24: IOI Associates

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Deeya, Kimekiwe, Frizthin and Girl's Cosmic were all in Googoodan's headquarters, Danjjak. In case you were wondering why these five group were all gathered in one place, the answer was simple. The IOI members were currently having a meeting for both personal and work reasons. For this reason, Somi and Chungha were also there with them. This was also the reason why Girl's Cosmic were not able to respond to the attack in Hipstars.

"Ugh... where did our successors go?" Somi said before sipping her iced tea.

"If this continues, I wouldn't be surprised if the Supreme Six and Twilight Triad will only show up twelve years later," Googoodan's Hana said.

"History does repeat itself, if you know what I'm saying," Eunice of Deeya added.

"Hey! We heard that," IOI retorted. The rest giggled.

"But seriously, do they really have to disappear? Is this some sort of tradition for the Chosen to experience or something?" Chungha put her head on her palm.

"Well, I don't know. Those Ancient Beings in Lake Tenm are so mysterious. Who knows, maybe they had something to do with the disappearance," Doyeon mumbled.

"At least, BoA-seonbaenim has assured their survival," Sejeong mentioned.

"By the way, except Pantazio, your provinces were not attack yet, were they?" Yoojung inquired.

"There's no attack in Disple yet too," Nayoung, both IOI and Frizthin's leader, recalled.

"M-Beekay is also safe up to this point," Huihyeon of Deeya told Yoojung.

"As far as we know, both Huayue and Hipstars have not been attacked yet," Exy, leader of Girl's Cosmic, claimed. They did not know that Ex-Monster was currently battling while they were talking.

"Well, Gelliphish is peaceful the last four days," Mimi of Googoodan stated.

While the girls were in Danjjak, they did not know Chococo District was being attacked by Banshees and that Verryverry already responded.

"There's too many! We need back up!" Dongheon told his team, blasting Banshees with ice.

"How about Xxiv-seonbaenim?"

"They are out of town, remember? Mr. Hwang Sejun asked them to do something urgent last night."

"Should we call Googoodan-seonbaenim?" Hoyoung suggested while his whirlwind took down enemies.

"I think we should. Kangmin's Augmentation will not hold for much longer," Minchan agreed while busy making himself and his team levitate.

"Should we call them?" Gyehyeon asked while his Particle Swarm obliterated a Banshee.

"No," Yeonho claimed. "Yongseung should teleport to their headquarters."

"Roger that. I shall return!" Yongseung disappeared as water.

Yongseung arrived at Danjjak. He was surprised to see that there were many occupants today.

"Good afternoon, seonbaenims," He still bowed even though he was utterly confused.

"What is it, Yongseung?" Hana of Googoodan asked.

"Ah right. Chococo District is currently under attack. My groupmates are already there but we want to request for back-up because we are overwhelmingly outnumbered," Yongseung delivered the call for help.

"Really?" Haebin of Googoodan reacted.

Googoodan stood up, "Excuse us, everyone, but we have to respond to the call of duty."

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