26: Three-way Battle: Part 2

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Frizthin chased after Baliel. While they were running along a road where they thought Baliel ran off to, the ten members of Frizthin were suddenly thrown back by some sort of wave. Unprepared, the Frizthin members crashed onto different objects and even walls, poles and rails.

"Ugh... where did that come from?" Yehana groaned.

"Was it him?" Rena said while cleaning the garbage off herself when she crashed onto a trash bin.

"Well... well... I cannot believe my simple sneak attack worked. It seems this is going to be easy," Baliel mocked Frizthin.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Nayoung spat some blood.

Nayoung fired blue streams of fire. Similarly, Baliel countered with the same power and counterattacked with Fireballs and Energy Balls.

"Energy Balls! Fireballs!" Kyulkyung called out.

Just like what Huening Kai did with Candor's projectiles, Baliel's projectiles were surrounded by swirling winds and were redirected back to Baliel at the swing of Kyulkyung's hand. Baliel simple dodged the projectiles physically.

"That technique. It's very similar to—" Baliel was muttering to himself but was cut off.

"Take this!" Yuha exclaimed as she released three Bursting Balls.

Baliel easily manipulated the Bursting Balls using his Advanced Telekinesis. The Bursting Balls exploded mid-air without causing shockwaves to ripple. Baliel fired a beam of condensed electricity. Eunwoo tried to counter it with Particle Swarm but was being overpowered; not to mention, Kyla was already augmenting her teammates' powers ever since the fight began. To balance out, Rena supported the Particle Swarm with her Umbrakinesis and this neutralized the electricity beam, causing a huge explosion. Baliel used the resulting smoke to attack with a weaker lightning bolts. Yuha, Eunwoo, Sungyeon, and Xiyeon were all hit with the lightning bolt and immediately passed out. Before losing consciousness, however, Sungyeon managed to throw three Light Darts and they also landed on Baliel left shoulder.

"Pretty impressive reflexes," Baliel commented as he grabbed his left shoulder while kneeling with one knee on the ground.

Kyulkyung remotely teleported their unconscious comrades inside Yehana's shield. Roa wasted no time and shot streams of violet poison to Baliel, but Baliel's red-orange fire evaporated the poison.

"This is going to be tough," Kyla gritted her teeth; she was getting more tired by the minute.

"Our powers are countered and we don't have an X-Con technique that we could use," Roa added.

"Giving up?" Baliel smirked.

"Not going to happen," Rena firmly stated.

"If only we have an X-Con technique like we did with IOI," Nayoung recalled.

"Eonni! That gives me an idea!" Kyulkyung exclaimed.

"What is it?" Nayoung told Kyulkyung.

"I am going to import some X-Con technique," Kyulkyung had some plan in her mind.

"Do you have any idea what she is saying?" — Nayoung faced the rest of Frizthin; they shook their heads — "Because I have no idea what she meant."

Meanwhile, Kyulkyung closed her eyes and concentrated. It was her very first attempt to try the technique that she was planning to use. For the meantime, Yehana was doing here best to keep Kyulkyung undisturbed.

"Kim Chungha! Kim Sejeong! Yoo Yeonjung! Kim Doyeon! Jeon Somi!" Kyulkung enumerated her IOI mates one by one and waved her hand from left to right in front of her.

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