37: Back to Normal

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Finally, the Source was defeated. Hallyu was once again free from invasion threats. Though the kingdom did suffer a lot of damages, what truly mattered for the magical squads was that Hallyu was still standing.

After the battle, the five women who helped save the kingdom went near the interim Supreme Six and Twilight Triad. Now that they think of it, the five helpers seemed to be powerful in their own right. Before anyone could ask a question though, BoA teleported in.

"How is everyone?" BoA immediately asked but was shocked when she saw the five females. "I can't believe it. It's the same."

"What is the same, seonbaenim?" Taeyong asked.

"The magical residue from the assembly hall. It's from them," BoA gestured her hand across the five ladies. "That's why it felt familiar."

"With all due respect, am I right in assuming that you know them?" Chaeyeon inquired.

"Of course. Why, they are the—" before BoA could explain, a surge of strong magical power was felt.

A magic circle manifested. Everyone took an offensive stance again; they all thought that it was another enemy. But to their surprise, out from the magic circle came the missing nine squads.

"It's the Supreme Six and Twilight Triad!" JR exclaimed.

"Uhm, hello?" the aforementioned nine squads waved cutely.

"Where did you disappear to?" BoA did not beat around the bush.

"Well, let's just say we took care of the kingdom's problem from where we are," Jihoon answered with a smile.

After the brief conversation, the newly-arrived noticed the five guests in their midst.

"Uhm... who are they?" Mingyu questioned.

"Oh, yeah right," BoA remembered. "Uhm Daniel, can you make everyone understand different languages?"

"I'm confused but let me see what I can do," Daniel replied.

Daniel snapped his fingers. Everyone in the vicinity glowed in soft, faint light momentarily.

"There. It's an Omnilingualism field. Everyone should automatically understand and speak any language needed," Daniel explained.

BoA went near the five ladies, "It's a great honor for the Kingdom of Hallyu to have all of you here. Allow me to introduce Wanna One, the current rulers of this kingdom."

"All I wanna do, Wanna One! Hello, we are Wanna One!"

"Hello, I am Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail from Magnolia."

"We are the Charmed Ones from San Francisco. I am Piper Halliwell and these are my sisters, Phoebe Halliwell and Paige Matthews."

"Nice to meet everyone. I am Kinomoto Sakura from Tomoeda."

Thanks to Daniel's Omnilingualism field, everyone understood what everyone was saying.

"I understand they are from far away places but why are they here?" Bobby was still confused.

"We are here to attend the Arcanus Alliance meeting which was scheduled tomorrow," Phoebe kindly clarified. "Your kingdom did send an invitation, right?"

"Oh yes, right! The Arcanus Alliance. We completely forgot about that," Somi realized. "Sorry about that. As you saw, we were having serious troubles these past days that it must have slipped our minds."

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