33: Key Points

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The battle continued to rage in all corners of the kingdom. Each province and their respective magical squads, if any, were doing their utmost best to subdue the threat within their provincial borders. Even the Big 4 Provinces were not exempted from the Source's all-out attack.

"Oh, wow. I can't believe we get to have some fun," Yunho giggled as he blasted a Shocker with a stream of blue fire.

"It has been awhile actually since the last time," three huge Energy Balls from Changmin took down several enemies

"It feels like somebody turned back time to the good, old days," Yunho mentioned while throwing five Fireballs.

"Yeah. It's kind of nostalgic," Changmin's concentrated electric beam vaporized two Banshees.

The Rising East Deities duo were handling their side of Essim rather well. It was understandable, considering the amount of experience the two got that went back even before IOI. Simply saying, the creatures were no match against the pair, no matter how many of them were there. In fact, Rising East Deities were handling the situation better than Shiny and Super Jr. who also their own area to take care of.

In Hitbig, Texty had to handle the situation on their own since Newest-W was in Swing Province while Frizthin had to – also singlehandedly for the time being – protect Disple Province. Unlike the last time, however, Texty were more confident in facing the enemy, all thanks to the confidence boost from their battle against a member of the Source's Triad.

"X-Con: Everlasting Shine!"

Texty's X-Con was tilting the battle to their advantage

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Texty's X-Con was tilting the battle to their advantage. With a bright shield that protects them from harm, augments their powers and lowers their enemies' accuracy, Texty was having it easy.

"Let's take advantage while our X-Con technique is still in effect," Soobin instructed his team.

With Soobin's Advanced Telekinesis, Yeonjun's Advanced Pyrogenism, Beomgyu's Photokinesis and Huening Kai's Remote Aeroportation, Texty were, ironically, overpowering the enemy despite the disadvantage in number. It seemed like Texty was already more than capable in defending their province without any help.

On the other hand, Whygee was in a bit of a problem. The province did have five active magical squads currently in their roster. Unfortunately, with one of the squads currently missing and the other two were performing duties in Swing Province, only two were left to deal with the problem. To make matters worse, out of the two remaining squads, one was a rookie group while the other one was the most senior squad of the province. That would make one wonder if the synergy between the two was alright.

"Find your treasure! Hello, we are Trezzore!" the rookie group greeted their seniors.

"Hello, we are Big Boom!" the senior group responded.

"But this is not the time for introductions. Whistle City is under attack," G-Dragon urgently cut off. "So here's the plan. We will take the eastern half while you will go clean up the western half of the city. Is that alright?"

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