20: Thorn in One's Side: Part 1

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The fifth day arrived. Just like the days before, all magical squads in the kingdom were ready to deploy even before the sun was up. It was already certain that another attack is just around the corner; the only thing they didn't know was when.

It was already nine and a half hours since midnight struck. Peace was disturbed in four different provinces of the kingdom. Chaos immediately spread as the fifth day attack commenced.

"Onoff! Bungee City is in trouble!" one person said.

"Omaigurl! Bungee City is under attack!" another female exclaimed.

Hyojin, leader of Onoff, and Hyojung, leader of Omaigurl, had called their groups into action. Their resident teleporters – MK for Onoff and Arin for Omaigurl – teleported their respective groups as soon as they were ready. Onoff appeared in Bungee City in swirling spirals while Omaigurl materialized through a whirling dust devil. Despite arriving in different parts of the city, both groups saw the damage done to the place.

Without any hesitation, Onoff and Omaigurl began attacking the females with pale skin, white hair and blue eyes who were destroying Bungee City through Sonokinesis channeled from their mouths.

Without any hesitation, Onoff and Omaigurl began attacking the females with pale skin, white hair and blue eyes who were destroying Bungee City through Sonokinesis channeled from their mouths

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"What are these creatures?" Hyojin said while his wave of telekinetic energy took down ten females.

"I never really believed about the reports but wow, seeing really is believing," J.Us stated while his water tentacles were busy with the enemies.

"What do you expect? The interim Supreme Six and Twilight Triad just making things up?" E.Tion reacted while throwing lightning bolts.

"Well, I thought they did," J.Us defended himself.

"This is an invasion, J.Us-hyung. What could they possibly gain if they released false information?" Wyatt was utilizing his Super Strength-infused martial arts to attack invaders.

"I understand, J.Us-hyung though. I was also giving them the benefit of the doubt myself," U supported J.Us; his consecutive Energy Blasts took out four creatures.

Onoff was making their way downtown, walking fast, faces past but they were not yet homebound. They followed the trail of the female creatures, destroying them along the way and hoping that they will them to where the general was. Meanwhile, Omaigurl was doing exactly what Onoff was doing.

"Do these creatures even have a name?" Hyojung asked as her Electrokinesis took down a floating enemy.

"Well, I have a feeling the general will introduce them to us later on," Mimi reasoned; her Plasma Ball barely missed another floating female.

"Do we even need to get to know them? I don't want to be acquaintances to these scary-looking creatures," YooA shuddered after her light finished off the enemy Mimi missed.

"Are we the only one responding?" Seunghee pondered while her Energy Waves turned six enemies into ash in an instant.

"I think Onoff should be around here as well. Chances are they also received a report of the attack," Jiho theorized while she was busy throwing her Light Darts.

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