3: Back as One

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"How is this even possible?" Suho covered his mouth.

"Luhan-hyung? Kris-hyung? Tao-hyung?" Sehun muttered.

"Hi, guys. We're back!" Kris declared.

Needless to say, the nine X-O members rushed to greet their members. The rest of the groups could not actually believe what they were seeing.

"Seonbaenim, this is not a prank, right?" Joy stuttered.

"No, silly. Why would I joke around about this? That would be too cruel for my part if I did," BoA replied.

"Please, have your seats," Daniel offered as he conjured three more seats on X-O's area.

"I guess you are I.O.I's successors, huh? Nice to meet you, I am X-O's Luhan," Luhan greeted.

"Oh, yeah, right. I am X-O's Kris," Kris slightly bowed.

"And I am X-O's Tao."

"All I wanna do, Wanna One! Hello, we are Wanna One."

"I can't believe it. X-O is finally complete again," RM mumbled; his right hand covering his mouth.

"I see. Are these the members of the Supreme Six and Twilight Triad? Hmm... Bulletproof Scouts, SVT, Two-Times, Plackbink, Velvety Red, Mommymoo and Geefreend. It's nice to see familiar groups still active," Kris glanced around. They finally sat at X-O's area.

"Good to see you guys are keeping up with these formidable groups even though we are not around," Tao told his teammates.

"In case you are wondering, BoA-seonbaenim told us everything that happened since we left," Luhan clarified.

"Told us? More like spelled us," Tao giggled.

"But seriously, though, how come they are here? Not that we mind at all," Jihyo gasped.

"Well, the last kingdom I visited before returning here is Anihc Kingdom. With the help of a spell, I managed to find them. Although, they haven't finished their mission there yet, they can now go back and forth between here and Anihc Kingdom," BoA elaborated. "Surprise!"

"Oh, I see," Moonbyul nodded.

"Finally, with Luhan-hyung's Advanced Telekinesis, Kris-hyung's Flight and Tao's Chronokinesis, we can now use our original X-Con technique once again," Chen mentioned.

"Chronokinesis?" everyone in the room exclaimed.

"Yes, Chronokinesis. Something wrong?" Chanyeol asked.

"But Light officially states that Tao possesses Temporal Stasis," Jin pointed out.

"Of course it should. I personally wrote Light according to my information. I clearly know Tao has Temporal Stasis," BoA blurted out.

"YOU WROTE LIGHT?" everyone exclaimed again.

"Ah, yes. I forgot to mention. I am the author of Light. The ouroboros symbol there symbolizes me, BoA— like you know, boa, the snake? I originally made eleven copies of Light so that each member of Wanna One will have his own copy. But unfortunately, the other ten were destroyed. Thankfully, Sungwoon's copy was well-hidden in that bookstore," BoA explained. "Now, going back to the topic, Tao has Chronokinesis? Why don't I know about this?"

"Well, probably because all of you only have seen him stop time before he left for the mission," Suho explained back. "And since the book stated that Tao had Temporal Stasis, we just went with it. It was sort of a secret weapon for our part back then."

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