34: The Ultimate Battle: Part 1

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Most Source forces were concentrated in Swing. Literally, the province was flooding with the amount of underlings in the area. The onslaught successfully brought down the hotel, the Entente Cordiale assembly hall and, unfortunately, English Village and Zero Base. Only Wannable and the nearby Hall of History were the last standing buildings in the capital.

The nine squads were taking things calmly when, all of a sudden, the enemies began to directly attack Wannable. The building's façade was seriously damage; rubble rained down from the building. Worsening the situation was the fact that the Hall of History was also set ablaze. The defenders were too focused on eliminating the threats that they forgot to defend the two buildings.

"This is not good! We should do something about this!" JB's statement was urgent.

"Forget the Hall of History. We can always rebuild it," Nayoung firmly commanded. "Focus on keeping Wannable standing. Make sure that Wannable still stands as long as we are alive."

"Wannable is the symbol of our kingdom. If it falls, our whole kingdom falls," Jinu zealously claimed. "Let's protect it with everything we've got."

"But how should we do that? We are already having trouble defending ourselves, let along that building," Jimin of Angels Ace replied with a matter-of-fact tone.

Everyone went silent. Indeed, it was hard to defend both themselves and the building at the same time. If they did, they would have to shift into a defensive stance and that was not an option at all. True, the best defense is a good offense but everyone knew, especially in magical combat, that no battle was won by strictly maintaining a defensive position all the time except if you are the possessor of Deflection.

Out of the blue, Jay. clapped his hands twice. With a bright expression on his face, he suddenly raised his voice.

"Gather up and put your force fields together! We are going to make them fight each other," Jay hurriedly told the the rest.

"X-Con: Rhythm Ta!"

A shockwave was released from Icon's position

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A shockwave was released from Icon's position. Every living thing the shockwave touched was hypnotized. The alliance was spared due to the force field.

"Do your duty to this kingdom! Attack!" Icon's DK commanded all the hypnotized underlings.

The hypnotized underlings were now attacking their former allies. This gave the squads time to take a breather. While most of the rushing enemies were being held back by the barricade of sacrificial hypnotized enemies, the interim Supreme Six and Twilight Triad still took care of anyone who managed to slip through the now-crumbling makeshift frontline defense.

"Don't let your defenses down! The Source is not even here yet," Cheayeon repeatedly reminded the alliance.

Finally, after several minutes, the last remaining hypnotized underling was destroyed. Icon's technique was very helpful as the mind-controlled creatures took down a lot of their own kind.

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