16: Nocturnal Siege

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The news on the battle in Kyuub reached all corners of the kingdom. Five-Sided Polygon, as one of the members of the interim Supreme Six and Twilight Triad, reported the situation to the other members of the makeshift body. After their courageous efforts to secure their province along with B2B and Gee-Idol, Five-Sided Polygon were treated of their injuries.

Meanwhile, the evening came and the tension began to loosen up. This was because most of the people still think that the kingdom only gets attacked once per day. People were joyfully having dinners and small talk here and there. Unlike most people, the magical squads were still on high alert.

Sometime after nine in the evening, a series of urgent knocks alerted the ten people inside one particular building.

"Who is it?" a voice from the inside said.

As soon as the door opened, the citizen muttered, "Sangyeon-ssi, we need help! Some electric creatures are causing trouble three blocks from here."

"Ok. We'll will go there and check. As for you, evacuate to safety," the person addressed as Sangyeon instructed.

Sangyeon returned inside the building and told his nine other companions, "The Buoyz! We have enemies to deal with."

"At this hour?! Don't they sleep or something?" Haknyeon whined. Yes. It is the same Haknyeon who claimed to be a Chosen way back when Daniel was still looking for their members.

"Just hurry up! Our province is under attack," Sangyeon urged with more authority.

Even though the report said that it was only three blocks away, the maknae Eric still teleported his group to the location. Indeed, they saw a mob of beings composed of pure electricity.

 Indeed, they saw a mob of beings composed of pure electricity

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"What are these things?" Kevin blurted out.

"Obviously, not humans just like the information stated," Jacob replied.

"I think I can handle these lowlifes alone," Sunoo claimed as he activated his Hyper Speed to try physically attacking the beings.

However, Sunoo's plan backfired when he kicked one of the electric beings. He got electrocuted. Seeing this, Jacob threw rocks at the one currently jolting Sunoo and it exploded. The rest of the group checked on Sunoo.

"Are you alright?" Younghoon asked but Sunoo was already unconscious.

"Eric, bring Sunwoo to the nearest hospital and stay with him," Juyeon instructed Eric. "We will take care of these invaders."

As per instructions, Eric faded out with Sunoo. Meanwhile, the explosion of one of their kind grabbed the attention of the rest to The Buoyz.

"Uhm... guys? I think they just noticed our presence," Hyunjae noticed.

The electric beings charged at them. Everyone unleashed their powers on them but, unfortunately, only four of the eight powers were working. Sangyeon's darkness managed to finish three off. Jacob's earth chunks also eliminated several of the beings. Juyeon's light whip also landed some solid hits. Finally, Haknyeon, who was now able to throw red-orange streams of fire, managed to hit a few of them as well.

On the other hand, Younghoon's illusions were not working while Hyunjae's Laser Bolts, Q's Particle Swarm, Kevin's Thermal Balls and New's Plasma Balls were just going through the electric beings.

"My power is not working against it," Hyunjae was surprised.

"Even my Plasma Balls were just passing through them," New was alarmed.

"My illusion had no effect to them," Younghoon mentioned.

"My power is useless as well," Q and Kevin noticed.

"Fall back! Only Jacob, Juyeon, Haknyeon and I will deal with these beings," Sangyeon commanded.

The four, whose powers were effective, continued to attack the charging beings. However, the sheer number of the electric beings were proving too much to handle for the members of The Buoyz. They were slowly backing away to the Reveal City Park as the beings were gaining on them. The four offensive members were getting tired as well. In the spur of the moment, New thought of something brilliant.

"Hyungs, the park is wide enough for our technique!" New stated.

"In that case, we should at least diminish their number somehow," Younghoon agreed.

The Buoyz continued to step backwards until they were outside the park's perimeter.

"X-Con: Checkmate!"

The entire area of the park transformed into a huge black-and-white chessboard

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The entire area of the park transformed into a huge black-and-white chessboard. The electric beings who were in the white squares were swarmed by glowing particles of plasma while those in the black squares were blasted fire from below. The electric beings hit by the technique exploded, leaving only a handful few behind.

"Now this is a number we could manage," Kevin said with a smile.

Sangyeon, Jacob, Juyeon and Haknyeon continued to whittle down the remaining beings. Several minutes later, the job was done.

"Phew! That was tiring," Juyeon panted with his hands on his knees.

"Sorry, we weren't able to help this time," Hyunjae apologetically said.

"It's okay. It's not your fault your powers were not working against them," Sangyeon comforted his team.

"We should call Eric. We need to check on Sunoo," Younghoon suggested.

"Yes. We should also be checked for injuries as well," Jacob seconded.

After a brief call, Eric fetched them and brought them to the hospital. Fortunately, they only suffered minor injuries so the nurses only gave them some band-aids here and there.

"How's Sunoo?" Haknyeon asked Eric.

"I don't know yet. The doctors are still running tests on him," Eric answered.

Five minutes later, the doctor came out of the room.

"Are you Sunoo's groupmates?" the doctor addressed them.

"Yes. What is it, doctor?" New inquired.

"I have a good news and a bad news. Which do you want first?" the doctor replied with a question. The Buoyz became anxious with his statement.

"Bad news first, please," Kevin told the doctor.

"The bad news is... he suffered quite a shock there," the doctor sighed.

"And the good news?" Juyeon asked urgently.

"Everything is totally fine. He is currently unconscious but he should wake up by tomorrow," the doctor informed them. "I will go now. If you need anything, just approach the nurse's station."

"Thank you, doctor," Sangyeon bowed to the doctor; the rest followed his actions.

The Buoyz were able to breathe a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness."

They entered Sunoo's room. Being a magical squad member, Sunoo was given a large room. The rest of The Bouys crashed down on the nearest soft furniture.

"Haa... today was a close one."

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