4: Troubling News

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Wanna One was currently visiting Disple incognito to see whether the colonization was having positive effects to the province. Thanks to Daniel's power of projection, he was able to make everyone look like someone else. They were interviewing people from city to city to determine the people's opinion on their colonization; so far, the majority of the response were positive. At the moment, they were interviewing people near Carat, SVT's official residence.

"Well, well, well... look who we have here," a voice from behind said.

Wanna One turned around to see SVT with their arms crossed. Knowing that they were in disguise, Wanna One kept calm.

"Nice of you to visit our province without notice, Wanna One," S.Coups raised his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about, sirs? We are just your average, run-of-the-mill, oridinary group of people," Daniel answered.

"Really?" Hoshi suspiciously reacted. "A group of eleven normal people? Seriously, you can do better than that, Wanna One."

"We really don't know what you are talking about," Jihoon denied this time with a bow.

"Drop the act, Wanna One. We know it's you," Woozi sighed. "We saw you teleport in and followed you since then. And as far as we're concerned, only Kuanlin has Sparkling."

"If you don't, then we will be forced to bring you back to Carat for further investigations," Jeonghan threatened. "And we will keep you in there FOREVER!"

Slightly intimated by Jeonghan's threat somehow, Daniel undid the disguise. The moment that he did, the thirteen members of SVT group-hugged Wanna One like there's no tomorrow.

"Ok, ok, settle down. We are in a public area," Minhyun instructed.

"Let's go to Carat. We will give you refreshments there," Joshua offered.

"You will still allow us to leave afterwards, won't you?" Daehwi asked.

"We'll see... we'll see," Dino answered.

And so, the two groups teleported to Carat. The three eldest SVT members immediately served some snacks and beverages as soon as they arrived.

"So, what brings you here in Disple?" Jun casually asked. Yes. SVT could talk to Wanna One casually. In fact, other groups would talk to them casually when they are not officially doing their duties.

"Well, we just want to know the people's opinion about the colonization," Kuanlin revealed.

"So, how was it?" Wonwoo inquired. The rest were curious as well. After all, they are partially responsible for the colonization.

"Well, we have been to other cities too and so far, the response has been positive."

"Good to hear that. We were actually worried that the people actually hate the idea," DK confessed.

The conversation then shifted to other unimportant topics. Wanna One was having a peaceful afternoon off. They had been very busy for the incoming Entente Cordiale assembly for the past few days that they barely had some time for themselves. The last time they slept at Zero Base was the night after the bicameral meeting.

"By the way, we felt a weak earthquake two days ago. Was it natural?" The8 opened the topic.

"D.O.-hyung's power; Kai-hyung's fault. Don't ask," Sungwoon massaged his temples.

The conversation was interrupted with BoA suddenly teleporting in.

"Daepyonim! Why are you here?" Jinyoung rose from his seat.

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