23: Thorn in One's Side: Part 4

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Finally, the last member of the Brotherhood of the Thorn landed on Hero City. The city was not yet as developed as other cities but decent-looking buildings were still present in the area. Without hesitation, the invaders began to unleash their might to Hero City.

As soon as the attacks started, people flooded out of buildings and streets and fled in terror in all directions. Amidst the retreating mobs of people, one in particular was running in the opposite direction.

"Hello? Shownu-hyung? Hero City is under attack. The enemy is right at the city's center. Please respond here immediately!" the person running towards the source of commotion spoke to his phone.

He dropped the call and put it inside his pocket. Not long after, he encountered some Banshees on the streets.

"So, these are what's causing the commotion," he mumbled to himself.

He started throwing Light Darts to Banshees, causing their demise. The other Banshees were alerted of his presence and began attacking him. Despite not having some serious magical combat training, he was able to dodge the Banshees' attacks with relative ease while counterattacking. He was rather successful in reducing the enemies' number; the Banshees were now down to more or less twenty. The general considered him a serious threat and attacked him with a Fireball from a considerable distance behind. Clueless, the Fireball hit his back and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Just seconds before the person was hit with a Fireball, Ex-Monster teleported in the area. They exactly saw how the person was hit by the Fireball and crashed to the ground.

"Sewoonie!" Jooheoney exclaimed as they rushed to his body.

"He's still alive. Don't worry," I.M. mentioned after checking the person's pulse.

"Reinforcements, I see. I was really hoping he was not the only protector of the place," the menacing voice bellowed.

"Who are you?" Shownu demanded while cradling Sewoon.

"I am Raynor, leader of the Brotherhood of the Thorn, and I am here to do the Source's bidding," he identified himself.

"I am Raynor, leader of the Brotherhood of the Thorn, and I am here to do the Source's bidding," he identified himself

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"I.M., get Sewoon some medical help. We'll take care of this clown," Minhyuk told I.M.

Urgently, I.M. teleported Sewoon out in flames. Ex-Monster started doing their work.

"This is not good. Sewoonie is injured," Shownu blasted two Banshees with a concentrated beam of Electricity.

"I know. I hope he's alright or else we're in trouble," Minhyuk was able to get his sand through the Banshee's sound waves.

"I don't even want to imagine the consequences. Please be alright, Sewoon," Kihyun hoped.

"Stay positive, hyungs! Sewoon will be just fine," Hyungwon was shielding his team from Raynor's sneak attacks.

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