27: Three-way Battle: Part 3

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Newest-W was able to catch up to Asmodeus way earlier than the other groups. However, it was quite odd that Ren was not with them. As for Asmodeus, he simply thought that this group only had three members.

When standing face to face, Asmodeus shifted his tactics and began attacking Newest-W head on. He began shooting them with blue fire. Aron had no choice but to defend using his sand. Under the intense heat, Aron's sand was turning into glass. However, the sand and the glass were, thankfully, shielding them against the fire. Seeing that his fire was not very effective anymore, he released a wave of telekinetic energy. This shattered the glass into large fragments across the highway, passed by Aron's sand, and flung Aron, JR and Baekho off to different directions.

Baekho spat some blood-mixed saliva, "If only my power was not short-ranged, we could have not been this underpowered."

"Relax, Baekho. Ren is on his way," JR calmed the fuming Baekho down.

"Until he returns, let us stall as much as we can," Aron encouraged his teammates.

JR and Aron, this time, conjured a violent dust devil using sand and air. The dust devil made its way to Asmodeus but he easily dissipated the swirling sand by hitting it with condensed electricity on its base. JR tried to shoot the strongest lightning bolt he could muster from his palms using Atmokinesis but Asmodeus overpowered it with another bolt of condensed lightning. The three Disple citizens incurred damages and were thrown backwards again.

"Is this the best you've got?" Asmodeus mocked Newest-W.

"Maybe. Maybe not," JR ambiguously answered.

Right at that moment, four beings entered the battlefield; one in pillars of water and the other three in swirling spirals. One of the newly arrived flung his hand in one big motion and Asmodeus was sent off flying for several meters.

"Hyungs! I brought them. Sorry if we took too long," Ren apologized.

"Baekho-hyung! JR-hyung! Aron-hyung! Are you alright?" one of them asked out of concern.

"We've been better but we're generally fine," Baekho replied.

"We're so sorry. We could have arrived sooner if it wasn't for someone who overslept," one said with slight irritation.

"Hey!" the third person who arrived in swirling spirals reacted.

"It's okay, Youngmin, Donghyun. You arrived just in time," JR told the two. "And spare Woong some slack, teleportation is quite stamina-draining."

"Sorry if we had to drag you, BNM Boys, to our problem, but as you can see, we are severely underpowered against the enemy and you were the only persons that came into mind," Aron explained.

"It's okay, hyungs. We had nothing else to do today except to worry for both Woojin and Daehwi," Youngmin said. "This will take our minds off of our worries."

If you were wondering who were these BNM Boys, they were simply the M By M group from New Brand province. When the merging of New Brand and BN-Miuzek into BNM happened, Brand New was referred to as East BNM while BN-Miuzek was called West BNM. After the merging, M By M decided to add a teleporter to their group to easily traverse between the two BNM jurisdiction, so they added Jeong Woong from West BNM to their group. He officially became the group's teleporter and the group was renamed into BNM boys.

While they were distracted with their conversation, Asmodeus fired blue streams of fire from his hand to Newest-W and BNM Boys. Youngmin simply raised his left hand and stopped the fire from reaching their position. Donghyun, in return, released his own condensed electricity beam. The attack caused smoke to rise around Asmodeus' location.

"Did we get him?" Donghyun wondered.

His question was, instead, answered when all of them were hit by a strong invisible wave of telekinesis. Once again, they crashed onto the ground.

"Even with reinforcements, you still cannot defeat me," Asmodeus sneered at them as he walked near Newest-W and BNM Boys. "Prepare to—"

Baekho took hold of Asmodeus' left leg, cutting him off his statement, "Surprise, bastard!"

Baekho used the opening to slam and whirl Asmodeus around using his Super Strength. He tried to deal as much damage as possible before throwing Asmodeus off at a considerable distance.

"Curse you!" Asmodeus said with malice and threw a couple of Energy Balls.

Quick on his feet, Baekho hit back the projectiles using his Super Strength-infused arms. Stunned by the sequence of events, Asmodeus was unable to defend against his own Energy Balls and fell barely-conscious on the ground.

"Hit him with everything you've got!" JR instructed.

With Asmodeus down, Newest-W and BNM Boys threw their strongest shot of the day to him. Youngmin with his telekinetic waves, Donghyun with his condensed electricity bolt, Aron with his flood of sand and JR with his strongest icy wind he could muster. All four attacks landed precisely on Asmodeus.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Asmodeus exploded to his demise.

"That took care of him," Aron panted.

"Thank you for your help, BNM Boys," JR tapped Youngmin's shoulder.

"By the way, hyung. You are part of the interim Supreme Six and Twilight Triad, right? Any information about the missing squads?" Woong asked.

"Unfortunately, no new information from BoA-seonbaenim just yet," Baekho stated.

"The last thing we've heard from BoA-seonbaenim was when she entrusted us to assist Texty while she was away to investigate a lead that she got," JR recalled. "It was the day when Jeewyphi was attacked."

"What lead? Do you have any idea?" Youngmin's curiosity was piqued.

"We heard from In-City that it was something about a magical residue left in the area where they disappeared that BoA-seonbaenim couldn't fully recognize," Aron explained.

"She went on a cross-kingdom trip in order to find out who the magic residue belonged to," Baekho added. "She said it was familiar but she couldn't fully wrap her mind around it."

"I wonder if Woojin and Daehwi are alright," Donghyun was worried.

"Us as well. We are worried for Minhyun and SVT," Aron mentioned. "It has been six days already."

"Nevertheless, let's be optimistic. BoA-seonbaenim did ensure that they were alive, one way or another," Ren cheered everyone up.

"You're right, Ren-hyung. Let's just believe that BoA-seonbaenim will be able to get them back," Youngmin smiled. "Now, if there is nothing else you would like us to do, then we would like to take our leave."

"Of course. Thank you for your assistance," JR thanked the other group.

The BNM Boys disappeared in swirling spirals.

"Let us wrap things up here and take a short rest. We still have a meeting to attend this afternoon," JR told his group.

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