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I arrived at headquarters with all my documents. I went up to the control room to see Officer LeBlanc waiting for me.

"Agent Richardson," he announced, doing the routine two finger salute then bow.

"Officer LeBlanc," I said, following his gesture.

"Let's go over the mission," he said, "Objective?"

"Infiltrate the embassy's intelligence training facility and collect information regarding plan to overthrow US government," I stated.

"What's your cover?" he asked. This I had studied like a textbook.

"My name is Claudette Rousseau. I am a twenty one year old graduate from the top ranging chef school in France. I moved to America in pursuit of becoming an informant for the French Embassy. My parents are deceased. My mother was a music teacher and my father was a factory worker. I have one brother who I am not in close contact with due to family conflict. I live in a studio apartment in the city and work as a baker's assistant in a pastry shop," I recited.

"Well done Agent Richardson," he nodded, "did you study everything you need to know about the baking industry and French history?"

"Yes sir," I said.

"Okay. All that will be put to the test in a moment. Right now we need to get you into your disguise," he mentioned. I read about it in my assignment file but they left that part anonymous. I guess they figure it out along the way.

Officer LeBlanc led me to another room. It was sort of a makeup and hair station. I saw other agents being worked on. Being given completely different looks. Different hair. Different minor facial features. Even different faces entirely. Then we stopped by one chair.

"Agent Richardson I'd like you to meet Maureen. She's a prosthetics makeup major from NYU. She'll be taking care of your disguise," he explained.

"Nice to meet you," I nodded and she returned that action, "can I get any idea as to what my disguise will be?"

"Because this is your first mission, you will not know your disguise until it is put on. It's our little way of initiating you in," he said with a small chuckle.

Great. First imitation into training and now another one into the actual work.

"You will be given these darken goggles you have to wear until Maureen takes them off of you. Whatever you end up with, you cannot change. You jeopardise the integrity of the mission. Good luck," he nodded and started walking away.

"Thanks Officer, I said queasily, closing my eyes.

"And remember Agent Richardson, a spy works with what they've got," his voice disappeared from the room.


After a very lengthy four hours of preparation, I was finished.

"Removing goggles," Maureen announced and removed them. I was mortified.

My hair was black. This was a huge difference for me because I had been blonde my whole life. In a way, I wanted to cry. Not to mention the grotesque nose prosthetic attached to my face. And my newly added miniature mole.

"Good luck Agent Richardson," Maureen smiled and sent me off.

Good luck to me indeed.

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