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My nerves were through the roof.

After that whole fiasco at Alaine's, I couldn't really centre myself to continue on. However, I knew that I had to keep up because it was what I was assigned to do. I'm just astonished at the fact that I kept this whole thing from my parents. The minute Derek dropped me off, I basically got back into my room as if I had never left.

I looked over the files once more and stood outside a small house in a quiet neighbourhood. Apparently this was where Maison Blanche vers la bas was operating from.

I approached the front door and performed a special knock I was made aware of during my debriefing with Mr Du Pont earlier in the day.

The door was opened immediately and I was basically tugged in. I looked around and saw a regular house with a huge workspace in the centre of the living room, on the left of me as I entered.

The door was closed behind me and I saw Cole's face. Well Hugo.

"Bonjour. Hugo," he took out his hand for me to shake it.

"Claudette," I shook it with a small smile.

"The head of the operation will be down in a minute to show you the reigns," he nodded and quickly scurried upstairs.

"Chloë! descends ici the shadow is with us," his voice rang through the house.

"Tiens ton béret I'm coming!" I heard the most familiar voice.

Suddenly I saw Alaine walk down with Cole following close behind her.

"Ah bonjour bella, I'm Chloë. The head of the operation. Do you mind if we converse in English?" she asked.

"Non. I don't mind," my voice could barely come out of my throat.

"Great," she took me to the living room and sat me down.

"This is the work space. We form all our strategies and monitor all movement of the members of the White House here. Whenever someone receives intel they report back to me. If unavailable, Hugo receives this information. This has been an operation we have been running for almost two years now. We have already infiltrated the first daughter's inner circle and are getting closer to retrieving governmental secrets that can later be used against the institution to be taken down, thus making the centre of America a state of France," she explained deviously as I felt my heart cripple.

"What we will need you to do is simple things like organising papers, grouping intel and admin work. You are a shadow. You will not be actively working with us. Not until your training is complete, which is decided by the embassy and its training unit," Hugo butted in.

"Merci Hugo," Chloë gritted through her teeth.

"Sorry," he rolled his eyes, "speaking of inner circle, what happened yesterday?"

"She escaped!" she banged her fist on the table, "I specifically told Jacques to make it a clean kill but I guess she's quick. It's almost like she's trained, it's incroyable I have to get back to the embassy and find out what her next move is. This might cause her to ask for an advancement in security so now we have to improve our strategy."

"Why didn't you just ask monsieur muscle to do it?" he questioned.

"I trusted Jacques to get the job done," she folded her fingers into a fist.

"Well you failed so what now?" his snarky comment cut like a knife.

"Oh we'll get her. One way or another," her voice trailed off.

The Spy - g.d [The Bodyguard Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now