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"Ah agent Richardson," Officer Le Blanc called as I entered his office, "have a seat."

"Thanks chief," I sat down.

"So what you got for me?" he asked.

"Well I uncovered two key people working for this operation called Maison Blanche vers le bas," I began.

"Translation?" he questioned. 

"White House down," I replied, "so I was assigned to shadow the operation since I was top performing recruit in the embassy training facility. Now the people I uncovered so far are Hugo and Chloë. I still need to breach the database for the embassy and find out their real identities but I can one hundred percent that they are apart of the operation and Chloë is actually heading this operation."

"Well that's great that you got something Richardson," he gleamed.

"There's more. Disappointing news," I started.

"Okay," his voice became uneasy.

"Unfortunately these two key people went under cover and I befriended them. This was before I became a spy, so I'm not sure how much information they have on me or my family but they did attempt to take me out. They even discussed their failed attempts yesterday when I went over to their headquarters. I'm hoping that I can cover this breach," I huffed.

"I trust you Richardson and I'm glad that you identified them as threats. I think our time to strike is now," he suggested.

"I don't think that's advisable sir," I commented.

"And why's that?" he rebutted.

"I've only been shadowing for a day. I just know there's more people involved. I say we wait until I find out how many people are actively involved and how much of their personal information I can retrieve. Then we strike," I suggested. 

"Alright Richardson. But we don't have much time. I'm giving you the next two weeks," he ordered.

"I can get the job done in that time. Thank you sir," I stood up.

"Counting on you Richardson," he said as I was leaving.

"Won't let you down sir," I responded as I closed the door.


I arrived home and was heading to my room when I was suddenly stopped.

"My office," my dad said and went to his office, with me following behind.

"What's up dad?" I asked as I looked at my mom, who was also in the office I assume waiting for us.

"Kelly Patricia Richardson," he began, "why didn't you tell us that you almost got killed?"

Damn Derek.

"I told Derek I would handle it. It was apart of the mission. But don't worry I'm close to the goal," I tried to explain.

"Kelly, you're graduating in two weeks. We can't have anything happen to you," my mom spoke.

"I graduate in two weeks? The concept of time must've gotten away from me," I thought.

"I understand-"

"No you don't understand. We never liked this spy thing from the start. From now on, I'm requesting you be pulled off the mission and you will have extra security until the day you graduate. Maybe afterwards too who knows," my dad ordered.

"But dad!" I raised my voice.

"But nothing. Your safety means more to me than some mission-"

"But one that's for the country. Dad you have no idea what's coming our way. Lemme help prevent it," I pointed out.

"Leave it to the people who are in place to protect us," he said, "the ones that know how to do their job."

"Oh so those months of training mean absolutely nothing? Those agonising simulations and scenarios and all that gut wrenching physical and mental training that I put myself through all for you to take it away from me?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Nobody asked you to do this!" my dad yelled.

"Nobody had to! I want to do this for me!" I yelled back.

"This is all for Grayson and you know it," my mom said spitefully.

"Yeah and what if it is?" I questioned, "why do I have to keep explaining this to you guys?"

"Kelly he's gone. He's never coming back and he wouldn't want you to put your life at risk for everyone else," my dad said and tears started to fall from my eyes.

"You don't know that dad. You guys don't know a damn thing," I spat and got up, running out the office and up the stairs to my room.

I have to get this over and done with. No matter what.

The Spy - g.d [The Bodyguard Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now