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NOTE: YEAH BASICALLY I'M EDITING SOME CHAPTERS SO THE OTHER PARTS MAKE SENSE. Because y/n and Floch met before she went to college as he's been over to her house many times due to being friends with Eren!!


I had walked out of the park and to a different spot that was further away from the dorms. Eren had found out soon enough and spammed my phone I didn't know what to say to him at first but I finally got the courage to stand up for myself.

I'm old enough to care for myself without his toxic older brother instincts to help me. I honestly don't know why he's so mad at the situation anyways. It's not like I'm dating any of them plus I've only known Floch for a few days and Jean for less than a day. He honestly needs to grow up.

Once again someone spammed my phone and I assumed it was Eren but this time it was Jean. He hadn't messaged me since it happened and I wonder how he felt about this situation.

[Wednesday 01:50 am]

Jean: shit listen I'm so fucking sorry.

Jean: This is all my fault I feel so fucking bad

Jean: I've just ruined your relationship with your brother and possibly your friends

Jean: I would 100% understand why you wouldn't want to speak to me again 🙂

Me: hey jean honestly it's okay! It was bound to happen anyways

Me: Eren's never been like this but now I'm finding more about him 

Jean: really? to be honest he never usually acts like this in college

Me: yeah well honestly don't apologise it's okay!

Jean: will you come back to your dorm for me?...

Me: lol what 😀 are you trying to guilt-trip me so I can come back?

Me: istfg if Eren's making you do this.

Jean: no I didn't mean to if it came across in that way!!

Me: now that I think about it again Floch was the only one who stood up for me 😊

Jean: that prick?

Me: well he's nicer than any of you guys...

Me: if you guys hate him so much why do you hang around with him?

Jean: he's a total dick wtf

Me: if he's a dick then what does that make you?

[seen 01:54 am]

What's gotten into everyone today? I honestly thought Jean was nice, I feel like he's getting too cocky. I'm also not going to sit there whilst he slags off Floch after he's stood up for me.

Part of me feels bad for Floch like does he even know that his 'friends' slag him off behind his back. I wonder if Eren does it too...

Speaking of Floch after messaging Jean I also saw messages from him. There were multiple messages some from an hour or so ago and some from now.

[Wednesday 00:03 am]

Floch: hey are you okay?

Floch: I know we're not close but I'm here for you my favourite stranger :)

accidental | floch x reader (college au)Where stories live. Discover now