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Today was the day of Floch's party, and to say I was nervous was an understatement...

Yes, I did go to a college party once but this time Floch is hosting it and of course, he's going to invite all the people he knows so I have to make a good impression on everyone.

Anyways Hitch and I were getting ready in our dorms, Floch's party was held on a Saturday which I was relieved about as I'd be able to help Hitch with her hangover the next day. I've been thinking about drinking at the party but I'd rather not put Marlo in a tricky situation where he has to take care of 2 drunk best-friends so I've decided to lay off the alcohol.

Hitch was wearing her green dress we bought last week, she was currently applying makeup to go with the look. I had my F/C Dress/Suit on which we also bought last week. When I put my outfit on it looked even better than it did in the shop, it made me feel confident and powerful.

Marlo had arrived shortly after as he was our ride to the party and he took pictures of Hitch and me together as Hitch kept pestering him to do so. I of course took pictures of the couple, they both looked good together it sort of made me jealous of their relationship.

The time was now around 6:30 pm and the party began at 7 so we all decided we should set off so we can arrive on time. 

It was around a 25-minute drive to the destination of the party, it was a bit longer as traffic decided to occur. When we arrived there was a huge building that Floch had rented out and there were a few cars parked. 

You could hear music blasting from the building as we approached the doors. As the gentleman that Marlo is, he opened the doors for Hitch and me and followed in after us. We walked in and there were already crowds of people inside.

"Hey, guys you made it" A voice shouted approaching us from the crowd. Our heads turned to see Floch emerge from the crowd in a grey suit he finally came close enough to see us all.

He froze when he came to use his mouth wide open. "Hello? Earth to Floch?" Marlo called out waving his hand in front of his face which brought him back to reality.

"What were you gazing at?" Hitch teased poking his chest, a faint blush rose on Floch's cheeks. 

"I'm sorry it's just that y/n looks beautiful...I ME-" Floch was interrupted by Marlo and Hitch's laughter "Oh god floch you are that down bad for y/n" Hitch sneered, I nudged her to indicate her to stop teasing him as his face had become bright red and he couldn't even form a sentence.

"You look great Floch!" I complimented.

"Thank you...anyways let me show you guys around," He said guiding us around the building showing us the bar, the dance floor, seating areas and the food place.

We gave Floch his presents and he set them on a table ready to open them later. I saw Eren with all of his friends sat at one big table and decided to walk over. "Hey, Eri!" I said approaching the table.

"Sis, I didn't know you'd be coming did Floch invite you?" He asks a surprised look on his face, he probably thought this was a free opportunity to smoke whilst his younger sister was not here to bother him about it.

"We're friends of course he would" I replied rolling my eyes.

"And I hope it stays like that" He snaps back. "You don't want me and Floch to date do you Eren?" I asked glaring at him.

"No not ever that shit would be weird"

There's no way Floch and I will ever be together if Eren acts like this. Maybe one day I'll have to move on.

"Y/n come sit with us!" Eren's friend Historia called as I walked over to the empty chair that was in between her and Sasha. 

"You look stunning y/n!" Historia complimented.

"So do you Historia! White is your colour" I replied with a smile. 

More people were entering and the room became more crowded by the minute, Floch must have a lot of friends. Sasha, Historia and I started talking about college and personal life they were really good people to talk to and gossip with.

"So y/n found a boyfriend or girlfriend yet?" Sasha asked smirking.

 "O-oh no not yet" I replied.

"Well do you like anyone?" Historia asked engaging with the conversation. 

"Well, ye-"

"No she doesn't" Eren interrupted giving me a harsh glare. He doesn't want me to be with Floch, does he? 

"Eren let your sister speak, you realise how overprotective you're being" Historia scolded smacking the back of his head. 

"I-it's fine I don't like a-anyone...I'm going to find my friend now it was nice talking to you both" I said walking away to find Hitch.

As no surprise, she was at the bar with a pleading Marlo begging her to slow down on the drinks. "Hey Hitch," I said.

"Oh hey, y-y/n where were y-you?" Hitch stammered the alcohol is already starting to hit her.

"Hitch please calm down on the drinks let's go get some food kay?" I suggested grabbing her wrist as Marlo followed behind as we made our way to the food table.

I grabbed a plate for myself and filled it up with snacks and I filled my cup up with water. Marlo helped Hitch with her food as she slowly became drunker by the minute, we've only been here for an hour and she seriously can't control herself when it comes to alcohol.

We made our way to an empty table and dug into our food, that was until someone sat at our table. "How are you enjoying the party guys?" Floch asked a small smile plastered on his face.

"Well I've just been caring for Hitch she's already drunk" Marlo groaned.

"What about you y/n?" He asked.

"Oh uhm, it's been good" I mumbled, a frown appeared on Floch's face as he walked towards me and grabbed my hand. "Let's go...excuse us guys," Floch said as he guided me upstairs and to the balcony.

"What's wrong?" He asked his face full of concern.

"Nothing" I whispered looking away from him, that was until his hand grabbed my chin to pull my face to look at him "Bullshit" He replied.

"I'm fine Floch please go and enjoy your party" I mumbled trying to pull Floch's hand away from my face.

"Nope I won't until I know what's wrong with you," He said.

"It's just Eren being a pain in the ass" I shrugged.

"Why what happened," He asked. 

"I'm sorry Floch I can't do this" I sighed, Floch instantly became even more confused. "W-what do you mean y/n tell me?" He pleaded. 

"This relationship we have I can't do this anymore," I told him.

"Listen Floch I really like you if you didn't know...it's just that Eren would never let us b-be together and I w-would lose my relationship with m-my brother" I explained tears slowly rolled down my face. 

"I don't know what to do Floch" I whispered as I turned to look at him. He looked heartbroken but he pulled me into a hug.

"That's why I've been thinking about something y/n" Floch announced.

"What are you talking about Floch?" I asked.


cliffhanger hehe ik this is bad but I've not written this book in around a month and I apologise :')

Hope you enjoy this chapter and happy reading!!

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