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"GUYS LOOK AT Y/N'S INSTAGRAM OH FUCK." Hitch screamed rushing to the other room, I ended my call with Jean.

Marlo and I rushed over to see what Hitch was looking at.

Y/n's exposed, Megan? She has all the proof too...


- y/n's pov -

The only way to expose Megan and her friends was through social media. At this point I didn't care about the consequences of doing this, I'd already gotten a month's suspension for beating the shit out of her.

Surely exposing things that SHE has done won't get me punished...right?

What nobody knows is that I have proof, I don't know why I never showed the principal on that day, it could have prevented my suspension. But I wanted to wait for the right moment and it's better on a bigger platform.

I have plenty of screenshots from when Megan and her friends used to send me death threats etc. I also have pictures of my injuries, if only I could get the video proof of what happened on the first day of college...



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and now we wait

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and now we wait.

- Floch's pov - 

I checked Instagram to see for myself and it was true that y/n really did post it on Instagram. She had screenshots of messages, pictures of injuries etc all the proof to expose Megan, it was really bad I didn't think it would be this serious. When y/n talked to Eren and me, I didn't imagine it being this extreme.

"This is really bad, I can't believe y/n had to go through this alone" Hitch sighed.

"But now we have all the proof and we can go to the principal right?" Marlo said.

"You're right, we need to go first thing tomorrow...I'm gonna go back to my dorm guys see you tomorrow" I told them and walked to my car.

I got back to my dorm to see Eren, Mikasa and Armin on the sofa, Eren seemed stressed on the phone with someone.

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