15 (nsfw)

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 this chapter contains:

slight nsfw, mentions of violence/bullying 


The next day came soon enough and college was as usual nothing big happened and nobody questioned my disappearance yesterday which was good since I didn't feel like explaining to anyone.

I was quite excited about the party tonight especially Hitch as she kept going on about it in lessons it was quite amusing to see her like this. 

All of today's lessons had flown by quick and as soon as school ended Hitch dragged me to the nearest bus stop so we could go shopping for some party clothes.

We had gone to some beauty stores so that Hitch could buy some makeup and I bought some beauty products and skincare. Mainly we came here to buy some clothes so that's what we did next. Hitch was picking outfits for me to try on in the changing rooms, this part of the shopping got her over-excited.

- You can pick a dress or a suit either is fine or just a nice outfit 

you like I'll be using a dress for this  -

We were in the store for quite a while because I couldn't find a dress I liked and Hitch disapproved of most of them.

"I want you to dress hot y/nnn" She whined as I walked out the dressing room with a bright red dress rolling my eyes.

"Why is that Hitch?" I chuckled.

"So everyone will fall madly in love with you"

"But I don't need anyone to fall madly in love with me," I said as I sighed looking for a better dress.

"Does that mean you have a boyfriend?...or girlfriend?" She asked her eyes widened waiting for my answer.

"Nope, I just don't want everyone's eyes to be on me especially if my brother sees me wearing a 'hot' outfit" I laughed as she glared at me.

"Well y/n if you don't want to dress to impress everyone then dress to impress the one you like" 

"But I don't-"

"Come on y/n it's gotta be either Floch or Jean...wait since Jean's out of the picture it's got to be Floch," She told me smirking as I froze trying to think of something to say.

"I knew it" She laughed giving me a cheeky glare as we continued looking for one until I found a plain black dress. Well, it wasn't just plain the dress had features to it that made it stand out so I decided to try it on as Hitch tried to find more options.

The dress was perfect.

It was a black dress, the length was perfect not too long and not too short it perfectly draped in level to my knees. Two spaghetti straps that sat perfectly on my shoulders and a slit on the left side of my leg.

I walked out of the changing room to meet a shocked Hitch as she looked at me in awe. She softly grabbed my wrist and twirled me around in a 360.

"y/n this is perfect Floch will love this," She told me as I looked away trying to not give her a reaction. 

I payed for my outfit and we decided to get some fries from McDonalds before the party to fill ourselves up. Once we arrived back at the dorm we got ready, Hitch was going for a full-face a makeup even though she doesn't need it but she looked gorgeous and I just went simple only applying a small amount. We both put on our outfits and had some time to spare before Marlo picked us up so I decided to go through my messages.

accidental | floch x reader (college au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें