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 (FIRST OFF THANK YOU FOR 1K VIEWS ILY ALL HAPPY READING <3) I also wanna say yes there will be smut in this book eventually even though I've never written smut before I did a practice one and all my school friends read it 😀 but they said it was good so stay tuned :) anyways thank you guys so much for this wowww...



Oh fuck...he's here.


- Y/n's POV -

Just great Eren's here he just had to ruin my perfect moment with Floch and the worst of the situation is that he saw us hugging. It was only a comfort hug and it's not like he's done better under this god damn tree.

"I fucking KNEW IT," Eren shouted as he tried to laugh it off which made me gradually grow worried for him, he never usually acts like this...

"Eren calm down" Mikasa warned seeing her getting concerned for him like he's going mental.

"I just knew that you'd be sneaking off with my sister Floch" Eren stated.

"It's not sneaking off I was comforting her Eren stop jumping to conclusions..." Floch stated.

"I can't believe you y/n out of all the people you bring Floch to OUR tree. God knows what you guys were doing probably being a wh-" Eren said but was interrupted when Floch slapped him.

I was pretty shocked and knew that the situation had gotten even worse I just hope Mikasa is going to stop this before they started fighting.

"Wha- Floch what the fuck was that for?"

"Don't ever call y/n a whore she's your fucking sister for god sake learn some respect Eren," He told him. Wow not gonna lie nobody has ever backed me up before especially at school with them...

"Listen Floch you don't know shit" Eren scolded.

"Even if I did at least I'm not acting like a fucking 7-year old" He bluntly stated which made Eren angrier at this point Floch is provoking Eren.

"you mother fucker" Eren shouted going to punch him I saw Mikasa and Armin stood there watching it happen how fucking stupid can you get?

Eren's fist collided with my hand as I stopped him from punching Floch which hurt...a lot since Eren's very strong. God knows what would have happened if he punched him. I turned to Floch who was pretty shocked at my actions to which I gave him a small smile assuring his safety.

"Eren calm the fuck down before things get even worse," I told him.

"Oh trust me sis I think it's just gotten a lot worse" he replied glaring at me.

"well it didn't have to go this far if you could just control your anger" I muttered under my breath to which I received a sharp glare from him.

"You know what y/n fuck you and fuck you Floch don't speak to me ever again...both of you"

"You know I don't even know why I wasted my time coming for you it's not like I care anymore" he continued, wow that hurt seeing that come from my own brother's mouth hurt like a bitch. All these years for nothing? 

"Wait Eren" I pleaded.

"I just want to work things out and be reasonable with you so you can find out the whole story but YOU JUST WON'T FUCKING LISTEN JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE FUCK YOU," I shouted as all 3 of them walked back to his car which was parked next to Floch's.

Before they walked down Mikasa looked back at me and mouthed the word "I'm sorry" whilst giving me a sad and disappointed look expecting her boyfriend to be reasonable with us. Thanks for the help I guess.

accidental | floch x reader (college au)Where stories live. Discover now