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- Floch's POV -

"Guys she's been excluded" I announced to the couple.

"Huh?! why? it's not like her to get excluded" Hitch said a look of concern spread across her face.

"I know...Eren said she got into a fight at lunch"

"What?!" They both shouted shocked.

That's when my phone pinged I checked to see another message from Eren.

[Monday 3:55 pm]

Eren: You're coming with me to see y/n on the weekend

Floch: Oh why?

Eren: I need to have a chat with you both. 

Floch: Uhh okay 

[seen 3:56 pm]

Shit I thought. He's definitely caught on to our relationship, even though we've tried to hide it from him. I'm just scared things are going to end badly for all of us like last time at the tree. 

"Do you know who she fought?" Marlo asked I shook my head no.

"I swear if it's that Megan" Hitch hissed, we both turned to look at her confused "who?" I asked wanting to know more, the name sounded familiar but I don't remember fully.

"The girl that y/n slapped at the party once" She replied with a cough.

"Yeah but why would they fight? I swear all they did was have an argument why would they have a full on fight." Marlo asked, he had a point but that's when Hitch sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You guys are dumb, their argument obviously seemed like they had a past together and I sometimes hear Megan's friends talk about y/n...I never ask y/n about it I don't know why I don't" She explained.

"And it was the first week of school and I saw y/n's body was bruised with dried up blood but the thing was she looked fine before lunch...I asked her what happened and she said she said she fell over some logs, I knew she was lying but I didn't want to question her further" She continued water forming on her eyes, I was so shocked at all this information and I'm pretty sure it was all the truth.

"I feel like such a bad friend. I should have been there to protect her today" She sniffled whilst Marlo rubbed her back in comfort.

"Protect her? Eren told me she fucked the other girl up real bad, I'm sure she defended herself fine" I joked trying to lift her spirits up, she chuckled a little.

Does Eren even know about all this? Why didn't she tell anyone she was getting bullied? So many unanswered questions I have right now. 

All I want is so comfort y/n and help her.

"So if all this about her getting bullied by Megan is true, do you think we could speak to someone to try and get her out of her exclusion?" Marlo questioned, it was a good idea.

"It could work but I have no evidence that what I said was true" 

"I'm seeing her on the weekend, I'm gonna ask her about it and we'll make a plan up from there but for now get better, see you guys later" I sighed walking out the dorm to my own.

I've been so focused on y/n that I completely forgot about my home life. Only Eren knows what happened with my parents and how they left my sisters and I for reasons I still don't understand. Now my two little sisters have to live with my grandparents and I often feel guilty as I'm too busy with college to help look after them.

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