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- Floch's pov -

"There's one thing I need to talk to you both about. y/n and floch." Eren announced.

I'm pretty sure Eren knew that y/n and I are dating, during my week in school rumours were obviously spread about y/n and of course one of them was about us dating. I just know that Eren had also found out about that rumour. I almost fought a guy in my year for some of the rumours he spread about her until Marlo stopped me.

At this point I was ready to tell Eren, I just felt like it was wrong and unfair to keep hiding it from him. Even if he doesn't support our relationship it's better than to keep it hidden away from him up to a point where he'll get even more pissed we've hidden it from him for long.

After all, he is y/n's brother he deserves to know...right?

I was just scared of how he would react.

My main concern right now was y/n, as soon as I saw her I could tell she'd been crying. It was hard to see her in such a state but I wanted to comfort her.

It was heartbreaking to listen to the whole story, the truth and the real reason why she fought Megan. Although she wouldn't tell us Megan's exact words to her on that day.

So what Hitch said was right, we just needed a plan now that I knew the reason.

"Yeah what?" y/n murmured, her tone was dull it hurt me to hear it.

"Be honest with me, are you guys dating? I heard rumours about it this week" Eren said, I knew it. Y/n being in the state that she's in probably wouldn't answer so I decided to take matters into my own hands.


"No, we're not, why would you think that? I would never date Floch" y/n interrupted giving off an annoyed expression she walked past us and off to her room.


I know she didn't mean that but it still hurt a little. I was ready, to tell the truth to Eren but she blew the chance which I was slightly irritated by.

The way Eren said it, it seemed like he wasn't mad about it...so why did she lie?

It was slightly awkward between Eren and me for a moment until he told me I could go to the guest room for a bit whilst he went out to the shops, he seemed quite stressed after everything y/n had told him and guilty as all this had happened behind his back and he never noticed.

Luckily the guest room was right across from y/n's room so I had time to talk to her.

As I approached the door I heard a faint sniffle coming from the door, that's when I decided to open it. Y/n was on her bed curled up in a ball which I presumed she was crying.

I hugged her from behind that's when she turned around to face me and buried her face into my shoulder crying more.

"I-I'm sorry" She cried into my shoulder.

"Why are you sorry? You don't need to apologise" I reassured rubbing her back in comfort

"For lying to Eren...I knew you were gonna tell him but I'm still scared, scared of what will happen"

"And I didn't mean what I said" She continued.

"Hey hey it's fine, if you weren't ready to tell him I understand I should have asked you first"

My words calmed her down a bit, we sat there in comfortable silence for a bit whilst she stopped crying.

"So how have you been doing these past few days?" I asked.

accidental | floch x reader (college au)Where stories live. Discover now