25 (nsfw)

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- y/n's pov -

I woke up with a massive headache but today was different.

I tried to get out of bed but someone's tight grip on my waist pulled me back, I became stiff for a moment. That's when I realised my newly gingered haired boyfriend was in bed with me.

It was his party last night and if I'm being honest most of the night was a blur except for the moment where Floch asked me to be his girlfriend to which I happily but hesitantly accepted

But now that I've woken up and we're in bed together it has me questioning what really happened last night.

"Stay" He groaned hugging my waist tighter.

"But I have a headache Floch I want some tablets" I whined trying to pull him away from me.

"Fine" He huffed letting go, he walked out of the room in a sulk but a minute later he came back with a glass of water and some tablets and sat on the edge of the bed next to me to help me.

Being the clingy person he is, Floch went back under the covers and spooned me from behind nuzzling his face into my shoulders "Hey I want an explanation" I said.

"About what?" He mumbled confusion in his tone.

"Last night...I remember you asking me to be your girlfriend but the rest of the night I can't seem to remember" I explained that's when he started chuckling to himself.

"What's so funny? Tell me what happened" I snapped not in the mood for his games.

"Connie and Sasha happened that's what" He Joked.

"Don't tell me.."

"Yup, and here I was thinking that Hitch would be the drunk one...I mean she was but not as bad as you" He continued to laugh as I just groaned. God knows what I did last night.

The morning went smoothly, even though I had a massive headache Floch's comfort made me forget about it. We just talked about the party and other boring things. It was now around lunch and we both walked into the kitchen to see Marlo and Hitch.

They both gave us evil grins "So what did you guys get up to last night" Hitch teased.

"Sleep" I replied with a yawn not wanting to give her the reaction she deserved.

"You guys are no fun" She whined shaking me back and forth "Hitchhhh stopppp I have a headache" I whined.

"From all the alcohol you consumed last night? That was pretty funny and I even took some photos" She laughed as I just growled trying to snatch the phone out of her hands but failed, there's no way I was going to get embarrassed.

"Let me see them," I said as Hitch showed me the photos on the camera roll, there were a bunch of photos of me, Connie and Sasha and she had also recorded a few videos of us singing. She played the videos and both her and Marlo burst into laughter which made my face heat up in embarrassment. That's when she scrolled to the last photo which was a picture of Floch and me sleeping together.

"Delete them Hitch" I groaned, that's when Floch came over from making us lunch "Show me them Hitch," He said whilst smirking at me.

"WAIT NO DON'T" I yelled attempting to take the phone out of her hands but Floch beat me to it, he put the phone out of my reach and started going through the photos.

"Hitch you have to send me these especially the last one" He teased giving me a wink leaving me in a flustered state and going back to making lunch.

"I hate you guys" I mumbled sitting down on a chair where Floch had set down our food on the table.  "You know you love me" Floch whispered and kissed my cheek, luckily Hitch and Marlo had their backs turned.

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