chapter 6

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I packed the things I want to have for sleepover like my night suit,some toiletries and a dress{for saturday morning,Because I have morning and afternoon shifts tomorrow}.I cant wait for the sleepover.It will be my first ever sleepover.

There isnt much interesting happened in the school today except for the chemistry class.When I was entering to chemistry class,Aaron and his gang were already there.Wait ,whole gang have chemistry class to attend to.I confidently took my spot beside Aaron and just stayed silent.But the gang is staring at me ,may be they want to know the reason of me standing beside their friend.Liam finally broke the silence and said"Hey,cafe girl,oops sorry Sav isnt it??"I simply replied" yes it is "because I dont want to have anymore arguments with him.Liam replied"What did you do to Sav ,You clearly are not Sav .Sav dont speak nice."I just rolled my eyes at that and said "Im the old one,nothing changed and by the way I dont speak nice to jerks like you" The boys cooed at that.Liam anyway ignored them and moved to his spot.The twins said Hi and followed Liam.So it is Aaron his two best friends{Joshua ,Jacob} and I. Joshua is one of serious types.So, He just said a simple Hi and took his place as there is no much time left for the class to begin.Jacob said "hey,Im Jacob ,nice to meet you"I replied "Its nice to meet you too"He asked me"Are you wifi? cause Im totally feeling the connection. I slighty blushed at that and just said"nice one but dont you think that it is a bit cheesy and most used pickup line ?" He said"Im just stating the fact ,Anyway ,I will see you around" I replied "yeah,I guess"Aaron glared at Jacob for sometime which is so awkward .I just cleared my throat and they seem to notice my presence .Jacob took his place too.So now Aaron and I.Soon,class started.Mr.Lockwood{chemistry lecturer} told us what to do this week.Aaron stayed silent the whole time.Atleast he was here .Im thankful that he didnt bail on me.I dont think I can manage all the experiments alone.

The college finished and I went to Cafe and delivered some orders.The cute boy from yesterday and his mom also were there .I greeted them and served their orders too.Finally my shift was completed and it is 8.30pm.Penelope and I went to Gee's house by hiring a taxi cause her house is like a 45 min drive from the cafe.When we reached there,Gee ,Lexi Amelia{known as the gossip girl}and suprisingly the girl in the cafe with whom Natasha kept a fight was also there.I looked at Gee and Lexi ,They simply nodded indicating that they will say about her later. We were also greeted by Gee's parents.They are friendly and I have been told that they are good friends with the Browns.Their house is huge and beautiful .We reached into Gee's room and I said " guys,this is Penelope, my friend and coworker and penelope these guys are my friends Gee ,Lexi ,Amelia and".. I hesitated for a moment but the girl introduced herself and said"hi,Im Emma and Thanks for helping me back then in the cafteria" {referring to Lexi,Gee and I}Lexi replied "No need of any formalities now.What are we waiting for?Lets get the sleepover started."

We sat on the bed and started talking for a while {mostly discussing gossips about others}Amelia exclaimed "do you know that Natasha is trying desperately to be  Aaron's Girlfriend!!"All except  Lexi  and I laughed at the typical behaviour of Natasha

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We sat on the bed and started talking for a while {mostly discussing gossips about others}Amelia exclaimed "do you know that Natasha is trying desperately to be Aaron's Girlfriend!!"All except Lexi and I laughed at the typical behaviour of Natasha.I dont know what I felt but I felt something strange and a new feeling.I am also wondering why Lexi didnt react to it.May be she has a crush on Aaron.I was brought out of my thoughts when Gee put on some music and screamed "Lets have some fun dancing" .All started to dance and although I hesitated at first but later,I gave in and joined them and we danced like mad women. Soon a ballet song was playing in the background.I couldnt control it anymore because Its a ballet somg which I always dreamed of dancing to.I started dancing to the song doing some ballet steps{ballonné}like Arabesque,Pas de Bourrée,etc.I was involved in the song.I forgot about everything else,just enjoyed the music and forgetting every other problem.Its like a pure bliss.Finally the song was finished and the girls were cheering and Gee exclaimed"Oh my god,Sav You didnt tell us that you are a great dancer !!!And You are a ballet dancer!!!!"I stayed silent knowing I couldnt do anything about it now.whole room was filled with silence.Suddenly Amelia said"Sav ,you should definitely participate in the dance competition that is being held in next month.May be you could have degree at Bachelor in fine arts and you can pursue your career as a ballet dancer."I really am confused right now.May be now,it is too late.May be I cannot dance to a level that match to the high professional ballet dancers.Im lost in my thoughts .Then Lexi put her hand on my shoulder and said"sleep on it,Its never too late for anything."
Emma lightened the mood by putting the netflix on .Already there were popcorn ,nachos that we can munch on.She chose twilight and we ended up watching all the parts.Gee exclaimed"Bella and Edward is the cutest couple".we all agreed to it and fell asleep .{If you guys wondering why there is no game like truth or dare etc .It is because their parents are at home and there is no beer allowed(this isnt a party ,though)}

It was 8.00 am already when I woke up.All my friends except Lexi are sleepy heads.They are still sleeping.I was greeted by Lexi"hey,did you sleep well?here's some coffee for you."I thanked her and drank the coffee .Holy crap!I have a morning shift today starts from 9.00am.When I searched,It showed no cabs available near me currently.I decided to get ready first.I dont know how I did it in 10 minutes .When I came outside of the bedroom,I can see Jacob standing and talking to Lexi.I dont know that Lexi talks to these guys .May be she is popular too.Lexi said"Hey Sav ,this is Jacob" .I replied "Yeah,we have met before "and smiled at him.She turned to Jacob and said"Jac,do you mind dropping Sav to her work place?Otherwise,she would be late".Jacob nodded his head and said to me "Sunshine,Shall we go then?I smiled and we both headed to his car which is a freaking Ford Mustang sports car.I was astonished by the beauty in front of me .Jacob interrupted by saying"Dont ogle too much".I was embarrased and said ""yeah ,whatever".And suddenly Jacob asked"whats the matter with you and Aaron?"
{picture of car below}

And suddenly Jacob asked"whats the matter with you and Aaron?"{picture of car below}

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Hey lovelies:)Thankyou for the support that you guys are giving me.So now ,You know that Sav is a ballet dancer.What you guys think about the participation of Sav in the competition?Let me know in the comments section.Vote if you like the chapter.I hope you are enjoying the book.By the way guys,There will be a chapter in Aaron's Pov soon .So stay tuned.

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