chapter 24

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What I didnt expect is to see someone infront of my door .Our eyes met and the someone screamed"Surpriseeee!!!!"

Sav's POV:

I exclaimed"What are you doing here?How did you got my address?"I didnt give her the time to answer as I pulled her into a tight hug.yeah,Incase you guys didnt get who that was ,It is Jade .She replied,"I dont want to miss your dance practices and competition.So,I came earlier and the address,I got it from Penelope."One time,I made her talk to penelope over the phone.I guess she saved that number.

We went inside and chatted, chatted for what seems like hours.But ,we had to stop unfortunately as it is both went to my room and slept.It feels so good to spend time with my bestie.

***Time skip to play's practice at Aaron's house***********

I took Jade along with me to introduce her to the gang.By the time I had gone there,All were doing their dialogue practices.I spoke"Hey guys, Meet Jade,she is my bestie since school days".The girls hugged her making her feel welcomed and the boys shake hands with her.We started practicing and the whole time,I observed Noah looking at Jade with "that" look in his eyes.

We got exhausted and took a break.Jade said she have some errands to run and head out.All were talking some random things in the dining area.I moved towards Noah who is still in the living room and asked him in a tauntive manner"So,Whats with you?Do you,um do you like Jade?"I asked him without prolonging any longer.He blushed a little but didnt reply.However,I got my answer.After a while,He replied in a serious tone"Sav,I want to get rid off something in my chest.I had a tiny bit of crush on you.But,I think I love your friend, Jade.I dont know whats with her but she is attracting me towards her like a magnet.I dont care if its too early to fall in love.I know I only have met her a few hours back.But,I already am having some incomplete feeling when she isnt nearer.So,My lucky charm,will you help me in asking her out?"I was about to scream with joy but decided against it when Noah gave me a dont -you- dare -spill the- beans look.I hugged him and replied"I would love too.Jade will be one lucky girl".

We were interrupted when Jac got near to us.He asked"Am I interrrupting something?"I made some distance between Noah and I and said"No,not at all."He sat between us and asked"So,how is life?I feel like its been ages since we spent time together".I replied"Aww,So the big badboy missed me ,huh"He said "Shut up.Im being nice for once.And sunshine,I need a little help from you.I want your heplinaskingpenlopeout".He kinda rushed the last sentence and I asked him "What language are you speaking?"He sighed and replied slower this time"I want your help in asking Penelope out".He also added the best puppy look .Whats with these people?First Noah and then Jac .Am I a matchmaker or something?But,I would love to set all them up.So,I nodded in a positive.

Then,Aaron,Liam and the girls came into living room.Aaron is looking at us with a what- are- you -doing look.Jac gave me a I- will- kill -you -if- you- say him look.So,I tried to change the topic saying"we should continue the practice"

Incase you are wondering about Joexi,there is no sign of Josh today and Lexi &Aaron are maintaining their distances.Both are stubborn asses to say sorry to eachother.I should plan to do something to mend that too.


Time flew in a blink this week.We have been practicing for the play.Noah and I started our ballet practices.Noah drops me to home everyday after our ballet practice to see Jade.He is acting like a awestruck teenager like how teenagers find excuses just to be close to their crush.

Now,It was finally the play day.All of us made our way to the auditorium.There are audience sitting already and some group started performing.We went to the backstage to get into our costumes and everything.

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