chapter 25

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The main intention is to say "Love conquers all "or "couples to appreciate their love together."I know Aaron and I are far from being a couple.I dont know if he accepts me.I dont know if he feel the same way as I do.But,The one thing I came to realise is "I love Aaron Brown "

Aaron's POV:

Currently,we are at the twin's place chilling .Sav didnt join us and I know its so unlike me that I started to miss someone.I dont even know how she manages to captivate everyone without even realising it.I hate when other guys check her out.I want to rip the flesh out of them!!I dont know why I had shared the most personal information about me with her.I dont know whats bothering her so much.But,I have been restricting these thoughts.I dont do relationships and everyone knows that .It is mainly because I hate to show them my vulnerable side.So,I have been distracting myself from her these days.But,guess what!!I couldnt!!!

Today,I have acknowledged the fact that how Romeo &Juliet fought for eachother.But,here Iam denying all the things I have been feeling for her.I cant control these emotions anymore.I just want to held her by her waist,Pull her closer to me,treat her like a princess she deserves,Hug her,kiss her.I just want me to be the one she shares every sorrow,joy first.I just want to spend time with her as much as I can.I even made up that tutoring me deal just to be close to her.I want to see her smile which I can fight for ,Her eyes which I can lost into forever.If this isnt called love,then what is?

Hold on!!Wait,did I just admit to myself that I love her!Who am I kidding?I freaking love her.I think I should confess this to her before its too late.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Jac said"Hey,bro,Whats with your facial expression?Lost deep in someone's thoughts,huh?" I just glared at him.I sarcastically replied"How did you know that I was lost in your thoughts,baby?"With that being said,I moved closer to him and leaned in for a kiss.I wouldnt kiss him for real though.I was Just teasing him.He pulled out a disgusted expression on his face and said"Nah,Iam not into you.Go find another".I pointed to my heart and said"You hurt me here".All laughed at our banter.And the time flew with us banting,chilling,talking.

I reached home .Its past 11 pm now .There are nt anyone in the house as usual.May be ,they had gone for some restaurant.I got freshen up and laid on my bed ."Should I call her?Nah,what if she is sleeping.I dont want to disturb her sleep.Should I text her?What if she doesnt see messages at this time?

Holy crap!!When did I become a overthinker?God!!This girl would be my death someday.Why am I behaving like this though?After battling with my inner thoughts,I finally decided to text her .

Me:Hey,babygirl,why arent you there at the twins house today?

She replied after a few minutes .Meanwhile,I ran side to side in the room.

Babygirl:Hey,Just got a little tired with the play and my ballet

Me:oh!!Speaking of that,your competition is in two weeks,right?

Babygirl:Yeah!You remember?

Me:Ofcourse I do.

Babygirl:Hmm.Gotta go sleep.Goodnight Aaron.

Me:Dont dream too much about me.Goodnight babygirl:)





Babygirl:Argh!!I cant win with you.Godnight aaron.


Well,that went well.I will confess her my feelings on new year's eve,Just the day after her ballet competition.I hope she wins the competition.With those thoughts,I drifted off to sleep.

**Morning at the campus*****

I got ready in a alanwalker hoodie and paired it up with chinos.I was excited and kinda nervous to meet her.Yes,"The Aaron" who doesnt get nervous is nervous to talk to her .How should I behave around her now ?I dont know why but when I saw her in the corridor,there are million emotions running inside my head And being the coward Iam ,I ran to other side and avoided her for the day.What!!Its not my fault.My heart was beating so fast.

I finally mustered up the courage to meet her.Its 6.00 in the evening.I have just finished with my football practice and made my way to the dance studio because Sav would probably be there practicing at this time.

They are few people practicing on their own.I finally spotted babygirl with that Noah.I really hate him for no reason in particular.I also spotted the girls{lexi,gee,amelia and Sav's bestfriend}Speaking of lexi,We arent still talking.I kinda miss her constant never ending talks.But My ego got best of me.I will only talk to her when she comes to me and talk about their whatsover relationship.Joshua knew that my sister is off limits.But still tried to hit on her.I will definitely beat him up when I see him.

Anyway, Coming to my babygirl ,I was about to make my way towards her but stopped in my tracks when Noah started getting closer to her.He said something in her ears to which she nodded in excitement.Then,he kissed her on cheeks!!!She smiled at that gesture.What!!!!Why was she smiling when he kissed her.I was supposed to be the only one.I want to rip his heart now.Then,I realised how happy she is with him.I dont know if I can give her happiness.Heck,I even made her cry a lot.She deserve someone like him not someone like me with a buggage,troubled relationships and issues.

So,I just stormed out of the building without even meeting her.


The next two weeks went in a blur with me sulking ,Kissing random girls in an attempt to forget her.I didnt contact her in anyway.I was also busy with my football matches while Sav was busy with her dance practices .I think she got hurt by seeing me with other girls.But,this is for her best.She desrves to be treated like a diamond,a queen.

It was finally her D-day where she have to perform on stage.I couldnt stop myself from wishing her.So,I just send her a plain wishing text.I also re-typed her name as Sav not the babygirl I used to call her.

Me:Wish you all the best for today,Sav.

Hey guys:)I really hoped that Savon ship is ready to sail.But,damn these people who comes in between What really happened behind Noah and Sav though?🤔🤔.The good thing is both realised their love for eachother .Lets see how these guys overcome all the barrier in the next chaps.The book isnt came to an end.There are many more people who deserves to be punished,many more ships to be sailed ,many more achievements to be made.So,yeah stay tuned guys.I promise these things wont lag/make you feel bore.

Do vote,comment, share and follow.These things really means everything to me.

Priya .

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