chapter 22

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Hola guys:)How are you doing?I have posted some message on my wall.So,do check it out:)And I missed all your comments.

When I laid on the bed,I couldnt stop thinking about the outing,kissing him,Noah getting selected.These brought a big smile on my face but little did I know that would nt last longer.

Sav's Pov:

My phone rang and it was a unknown number.I was clouded with the tension that It might be my father.Oh,No!!!!There is only 1 month left for finals .I dont want to give up now.It is exactly what happened the last time I tried to participate in a dance competition.I dont know when I missed the call but it rang again and again for 4 times.Now,I have two options .I could just ignore the call or I can confront with whoever It might be."Please dont be my father,Please dont be my father"-I chanted like a mantra to myself and answered the phone."Hello,Did you Miss me ,Hastings girl?". Hearing the voice made my blood boil and be scared at the same time.I replied in a cold tone"Not at all,Ryder".Ryder is my school classmate.We hit off very fast and we kinda dated secretly as he knows my father dont agree .Being the teenager,I trusted him blindly.I thought I love him beacuse he used to protect me from bullies.I thought he was a good guy and I told him everything about my parents by making him promise that he wont do or say anything about it later. After a while,he started showing his true colours.He treated me disrespectively,He even forced me to do 'it' with him!!!He started opposing my idea of competing in a dance competition .We fought and we broke up.End of story!Atleast thats what I thought.But,I guess he has other plans.He is the one who told about me participating to my dad.He confessed this by himself .

Later,he started bullying me,tried to grope me.But,I fought.This is the reason why I couldnt tell the truth to Aaron.He may use my weakness{my dad}against me .But,Something in me tells me that I can trust him.I just want to go somewhere and shout,scream as loud as I can.I just want to let out all these emotions "Are you still there?"-A rather annoying voice brought me out from my reverie."Yeah,What do you want?How did you get my number?"He replied in a smug tone"Calm down there kitten,You wouldnt want me to tell this to your father.I heard you are doing well .So,I think Its my time to step in and spoil that because you tossed the best me aside for a stupid competition".

I snapped"Whats there to spoil me.I lost everything because of you .Why can you not leave me alone? Please dont call me again."With that,I cut the call,blocked his number.Yes,I fear that he may reach out to me through some other way.I fear that he might say this to my father.But,I dont want him to win.Its my battle that I intend to fight till my last breath.Im not gonna give up .Im broken but I will try to join my broken parts of life.Im tired of waiting for some knight in armour to come and save me.Cause,lets be real,The lufe isnt a disney fairytale.

After my calming session,I decided to sleep.Then,I hear a loud bang on wall .I groaned." No one lets me sleep!!!!!!"I went downstairs to see Aaron with blood on his knuckles."Oh my god!Aaron !!!What did you do to yourself?"I asked in a concerned tone.I made him come to my bathroom to wash the blood and put some bandage on.He sat on the mirror table and I moved closer to him to take a closer look of his hands.

While I was trying to put some ointment,He winced.I said angrily"If it hurts so much,Why did you do it?"He didnt reply anything and kept his gaze at me the whole time .I moved back a little to face him.To look intimidating,I put my hands on my hips and glared at him waiting for his stupid reason.He chuckled at my weak attempt.He pulled me by my waist .He said"Dont do that,babygirl.You look far from what you are trying to and I cant stop myself  ".I didnt get his comment and just asked him"What happened?".He sighed and said"Its my father.He is threatening me again to join his company and also leave my football matches.Appareny,Matt- my opposite team from last match is quitting and taking over his father's company.And.."I said"Your father wants you to do the same.But,What is it you really want to do?"He replied"I do want to build my own company. Football is like a distraction for me from my father......."I took his hand in mine and gently give it a squeeze .I asked him the question Im longing to ask for a long time"What is with you and your father?You dont seem to have a father son bonding ?"

He finally opened up
"I dont know.He doesnt like me.He only lets me be in his house beacuse I should be the one taking over his company.But,when I rejected,He stopped talking .So,We arent close anymore.We just try to be civil and he started pushing me more since that Son of a bi*ch Matt taking over his company which he is doing on purpose just to make my life hell.His dad is still very fit to run the business.But,I think he persuaded his father somehow.I hate him with all my life.My dad used to and still loves him more than me.During our childhood,He used to spend time with him rather than me.He tells me to do everything Matt does.Matt started playing football and my dad forced me to join.Now,It became my go to heaven,he decided to snatch it away from me..."He let out a breath.I hugged him and said"You will make it despite all of what you have been going through".We pulled back from the hug.He commented"Thats a huge confession.I dont know how I did it but It feels great".I smiled and wished that I could open up too.But,Something is pulling me back.Nevertheless,Iam beyond happy that he shared this with me and thats a step forward to something,right?

I asked"Wanna go sleep now?"He replied with his puppy eyes"You mean in the same room ,right?Please dont make me to sleep on that couch.It has bugs and it is hard."I gave in and arranged a few pillows between us in the middle of bed to which he gave me a smrik.While Im about to doze off,He asked"With Whom are you speaking earlier?I dont know why I lied but I said"Its Noah"and I can feel his angry gaze from the dim lights.

Hey lovelies:)So sorry for the late update.Its just my mind is bursting with all other thoughts.So,I didnt add this to that list.Anyway,How do you feel about this chap.This chapter is all about confessions and Sav's ex.What happenes now Ryder knows Sav's number?Does he try to say this to her father?Do comment your thoughts.And also guys,I just dont want to drag the book with More broken past of Aaron.So,I made it quick.Hope you liked the chap.Are you feeling the chapters short?If so,Let me know

Love you guyssssssssss so much💞💞💞

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