Chapter 7

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Jacob scared me for a second by saying"Dont ogle too much".I was embarrased and said ""yeah ,whatever".And suddenly Jacob asked"whats the matter with you and Aaron?"

I immediately turned my face to his side and asked him"what do you mean whats the matter with me and Aaron?"He simply repled"Come on,I can sense the tension between you two guys.We all were supposed to be ditching chemistry class yesterday but Aaron said that we have to attend the class which is not so Aaron.So Im thinking you are the reason for that".I just thought about this for a minute that Aaron really considered my words.I thought he would ditch me.I just replied"Thats a good thing that he is attending to classes.Anyway you guys should attend to classes regularly.".Jacob replied"You didnt even know about us sweetheart,we, especially Aaron manages to get a good score.Anyway enough about us ,Lets get to know you."with a nervous laugh,I just said"Haha,There isnt much to know about me.You are the popular football player.You have more things to say about you."He replied"Alright,this isnt going no where,Lets play 20 questions.You can ask me 20 questions and I can ask you 20 .If anyone of us didnt reply,they have to do what the other person says to them,You cant say no to this".I replied "Ok ,shoot".he asked me what my favorite colour,food etc.I asked him the same.We have a lot of similar tastes.He suddenly asked me what my dream job was.I replied" A ballerina"immediately.Then,he asked his next question,Why didnt you chose that?"honestly,Neither I want to lie to him nor tell him my past.Iam feeling whole brotherly vibes from him.So I just stayed silent.He understood that and replied"okk,You dont have to if you dont want to say.Anyway ,you still have to do a task that I say".I accepted my defeat and asked him whose eyes are on the road "what should I do?"He smiled evilly and said "There is a party the coming friday at Aiden ,the twin's place and I dare you to come to the party.You seriously should start enjoying your life".I replied "partying isny enjoying my life .There are other ways to enjoy.Anyway ,I cant forefit it ,right?"He said ,"yes, you cant".And with that being said ,we reached my workplace .I got out of the car and Jacob said"see you tommorow at school,take care".I nodded and teased him by saying "Aw,arent you a badboy?"He just smirked and took off.

There isnt much interesting happened in the morning session.And I felt kinda bored because its a day off for Penelope.In the afternoon,Elizabeth{mom of Asher{the little one}} came into the cafe.I greeted her,took her order and I can see a worry expression on her face.I dont know why.While I was serving her order,I asked her"If you dont mind me asking,Whats the problem?you seem pretty tense."She just smiled and zoned out for a bit and later she replied"oh,you are such a sweet girl.when will your shift here completes?Are you free today evening?"I replied with a smile and said "Yeah ,Im free today eve"She sighed with relief and asked me"Can you do me a favour? Can you babysit Asher for today evening and night.His father booked us a opera show In paris ,So we wont be coming till the next day and his siblings are having other plans.So they couldnt take care of him."I thought for a moment about being a babysitter and having to stay at someone's place for a night .Anyway,I cant say no to her.She always treats me so well.I wish I had a mother like her.So I replied"Yeah ,no problem.I will do it.Text me the address and I will be at 6pm"She replied"Thankyou so much ,my dear."There are other customers waiting .So I quickly nodded and went back to take other's orders.Elizabeth texted me the address .She waved me while she was going out .I did the same.The rest of the day went pretty well.My shift was finally over and I changed into a denim short and a tee
{pic of dress above}
It was already 5.00pm.So ,I headed off to Asher's place directly which is a 55 min drive.when I reached there,I was bewildered for a while.It isnt any house.It's a freaking mansion with a huge garden,Big pool area.The exterior has a bit of ancient style and interior is modren.{picture below}

The security allowed me after saying my name and I was greeted by Elizabeth and she showed me around and She also showed me Asher's room and my room for the night which is on the same floor

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The security allowed me after saying my name and I was greeted by Elizabeth and she showed me around and She also showed me Asher's room and my room for the night which is on the same floor

The security allowed me after saying my name and I was greeted by Elizabeth and she showed me around and She also showed me Asher's room and my room for the night which is on the same floor

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Sav's room for the night{guest room}

Sav's room for the night{guest room}

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Asher's room

Asher came to us while we are talking in the living room and when he saw me ,he gave me a bright smile and said"Hi friend,You are gwanna see afther mee"I ruffled his hair and said "Yeah buddy,Iam "And he just smiled at me and jumped up and down the sofa with excitement.Elizabeth left and now only its the two of us.I said "how about we have a movie night,munchkin"He replied "Yessssss We will watch spidewerman" I replied "Ok" and took a blanket ,put hotstar on and made some popcorn and we both started watching the two parts now and Asher had dozed off to sleep with his head on my lap.Its already midnight .I took Asher to his bedroom and tucked him in his bed.I made my way to downstairs to clean up the mess created because of our movie night When I was about to go back into my room,I heard some noise .Someone is trying to break into the house.How did the burglar escaped from the security.I took out a vase and made my way to the main door.Its all dark .I couldnt find the switches in the entrance area.Finally there isnt anymore noises and the door creaked open.I closed my eyes and throw the vase to the entance.But there are no screams.I guess I missed the blind target.A voice said "what the f***" and switched on the lights.I heard the footsteps coming closer to me.I prayed for my life.Wait ! What about Asher?What should I do ,what should I do??I dont have a phone near me to call the police.Suddenly The person asked "what are you doing in here?"I exactly know who this voice belongs to.Its the one and only Aaron.Wait,So Elizabeth is mom of Aaron and Im at the brown's place with Aaron which is the last thing I want to happen.I opened my eyes slowly hoping my sure predictions can go wrong but no!Its him!!!I nervously said "hello"

Hey guys,How are you all doing?I hope you liked the chapter.Next chapter will be in Aaron's Pov.Hope you are all excited to know his point of view.Comment and let me know what you think.Vote if you like the chapter:)

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