chapter 15

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I think this song relates to our own Sav and the song is pretty awesome.So I thought of why not share it with you guys:).Do check it out:)The song is the main theme of series "victorious "called"When I make it shine".
Thanks for the support 💕.

I was about to run away but that someone replied"Hello, annah" .And only one person calls me that.

Sav's POV:
I just stood there like a dead person.I didnt expect this confrontation to happen in ever.But here we are standing face to face .I know I cant just run away.So I replied "Hello Jade".If you guys thought that this was my father,Let me tell you,I never seen him calling by my name.He used to call me with disrepectful words like Whore,Slut,bi*ch which Iam not.The only time he calls me in a respectful way ,That is "dear" in front of the guests.Anyway,Back to the present,I cant believe she is Jade.She changed a lot.I heard she become a badass one too.

I let my walls down when she came near me and hugged me in a very tight hug.She said"Im sorry,I missed you".we pulled out of the hug.I brushed off tears that are forming in my eyes and replied "I missed you too JJ.Im glad you are talking to me again". She gave me a big heartful smile and said"Im glad that Im forgiven ,Im truly sorry.I shouldnt have left you at the time you needed me the most.At that time,I was just a teenager and anger got me to do so.But ,when you left,I realized how much I missed you.I may act as a badass one but Iam the same inside."I replied"Its okay,I understand.Even I did the same mistake of leaving you by some stupid threats of my father.Anyway,what you are doing here?" She replied"I came for the interview here.I got selected and I will be joining next year .I was late cause I wasted my one year doing some shitty things."I cant help but squeal in excitement that she is gonna be here in the same college as I.I replied"oh my gosh,Thats great.Im studying here too.I will be completing my first year by this april.".Her eyes went to the enrollment form and she asked me"Is this for the dance competition?".I nodded my head.I can see the happiness in her eyes and she said"Dang it girl,Im so proud of you.You will do great,Anyway ,I have to catch my flight ,So byee for now".she hugged me and we exchanged phone numbers.I told her to not say anyone about our reunion.She agreed and went.If you guys are wondering about how easily we forgave eachother is may be because of the distance that made us realize how badly we want the other in our lives.They say Every storm in your life is followed by a rainbow.Just a moment ago,I was angry with that dickhead and now Im actually happy that I got my bestfriend back.Im not gonna lose her this time beacuse second chances are rare to get . So guys,If you ever get a second chance in life for something, you've got to go all the way. Im not gonna fear for anyone this time.Its high time I faced my fears.That is exactly why ,I want to take part in this competition.It implies that Im overcoming my extreme fears.

So with that cheerful mood,I went to cafteria.The whole gang including Aaron were already there at the centre table.Anyway,Why am I specifically mentioning his name?At the beside table,The Main queen bee and her minions were planning something. Probably about whose life they want to make hell.I went near our table . I really didnt like the attention Im getting as Im sitting with the popular ones.I sat between Aaron and Liam ,because thats the only seat left.Liam moved his seat closer to mine making sure that Aaron saw his doing and Aaron glared at him.
They were all discussing random things.Suddenly,I said"Guys,Im taking part in the dance competition."I didnt even finish my saying but the girls screamed happily in unison saying"Oh my gosh".After Jac spoke"I didnt know you had that in you.Iam totally looking forward to see you dancing".Liam said "Yeah,Thats a sight we wouldnt want to miss for the world".I just smiled in return.I didnt try to make any type of  contact with Aaron the whole time. Later,the bell rang and we all scattered to our respective classes.

All left except Aaron and I because we dont have any class now.Its a leisure period.So we are just walking in the corridor.Yeah,I know ,Im going a great job at avoiding him.Aaron stopped walking and said"what type of dancer are you?"I replied"A ballerina". "Oh,thats great.Anyway, Are you mad at me cause I saw you when you know I ..",he asked putting his hand on the backside of his head.I understood that he is asking about his playboy ways that he just did at the locker.I felt Anger and something else that I cant quite put my finger on .All those emotions rushed again.I snapped at him saying"Why do I care about your flings or whatever they may be?" In a rather harsh tone that I didnt mean to use it.His eyes are filled with may be sad,dissapointment.Iam not sure about it as he is doing great job hiding them. he gotten over his emotions and asked"So ,we are good babygirl,Arent we?" I nodded. Why he is asking me about this again and again? Its not that he care about whatever relationship we had.What are we now?We arent just friends after that kiss.Are we something like friends with benefits ?I thought of asking this but he suddenly said"I forgot to tell you that we have a personal studio for dance practices at our house in the basement area,You can use it if you want but I want something in return".A studio would be great because My house floor is marble which is not suitable for dancing .So ,I just excliamed"Realllllyyy,thats awesome.I am totally taking this offer.what do you want in return ?"He scratched his head again and said"I,um,Yeah,I want you to tutor me the chemistry I havent paying much attention lately and My chemistry grades suck".I replied almost immediately"Since when do you care about your grades."I think I may have offended him but It is the truth.He does nt even need to have good grades.He can make football which he is very good at as his career.
He replied"I do actually care ,You didnt know me well enough to know that".I just replied "ok ,I will tutor you.So we have a deal"and we shake our hands implying the deal is signed.Then,We went on seperate ways .

I reached cafe for my evening shift and changed into waitress dress.Penelope was already there.I greeted her and said"So,are you ready to see the new boy".she replied "hell,Yeah,who wouldnt?"I agreed with her.I also got the message from our girl group saying that they will be here in 10 minutes.The door opened and the man who is  major talk of our group lately entered looking tall and muscular in his tight black tshirt,denim jacket and olive cargo pants.He removed his jacket and put on a apron.

He is basically doing a chef work here.He greeted me"Hi,We havent had a legit conversation.Iam Noah Smith and what is your name,My lucky charm."I smiled at his name for me."Yeah ,Im Sav,and this is my friend/coworker ,penelope."I got a customer at my table.So I excused myself and went to take orders.when I came back,I saw Noah standing with his back in display and making some smoothies ".I just said my order.While he is making it,I asked to start a conversation"So,what school are you going to?"He replied"I actually shifted here.And I will be going to study at NYU".Then ,It all striked that he is the new transfer student that everyone is talking about.How did I miss it when he said his full name?I excliamed"Ohhh,Iam going to the same college,We will be collegemates too then".He smiled.He gave me the order which is a strawberry smoothie .I took it and when I took a step back to turn,I slipped because there is a freaking toy car.Some kid in the cafe may have thrown it this way .But ,luckily,Noah rescued me by holding me by my waist.The smoothie is long gone and is all over the floor now.And he is still holding me.He is looking me and Iam looking at him.But then,Some voice said"Hi guys,sorry to interrupt".I looked up and It was the girls.I quickly stood and he let go off me.But when I saw the surroundings ,It wasnt only girls there.Aaron and the boys were also decided to come here today.

Hey lovelies:)Hope you liked this chap.What do you think about this new boy,Noah?what do you think about how Aaron would react now?I think you may thought that someone was her dad.But whats the thrill in reading the expected.So,I promise that confrontation will also happen when you least expect it. share your thoughts in the comment section.Do vote,share and follow:)

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