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12th of June

Today, Shirabu and I decided to meet up again. It was more me begging him to come over so we could spend the weekend together. After what felt like forever he finally agreed. I was glad he did, hanging out with him was always fun.

"What are we doing now?" he asked me after he arrived. It was currently 3 pm so we had many different opportunities. "Let's watch a film," I suggested. "I'm not in the mood to watch a film, besides, I'm currently watching a series or more I plan on watching it because an online friend of mine won't shut up about it," Shirabu replied. "Oh, okay. What's the name though?" I asked. I didn't know he had online friends. "I forgot. It's about some teenagers living on a space ship and they get sent down to earth to look if it's safe or something like this?" Shirabu answered, shrugging. He obviously didn't plan on saying more and how I knew him, I wouldn't be able to get anything out of him. Sad, actually, the series sounded interesting.

We, or more Shirabu, decided on playing some more Mario cart. It was fun but with time it got boring. I wanted to do other things with him. "Can we do something else?" I therefore asked. "Sure, what do you want to do?" he replied. "Well, we could play UNO," I offered. He agreed and so we started playing UNO. To my surprise, Shirabu wasn't as good as I expected. I thought he would be at least as good at UNO as he was at Mario cart but it looked like he wasn't. UNO was a game by chance and not really one by talent so it made sense. Yet, I thought he would win more often. But maybe he just had bad luck or maybe he just wasn't used to playing with 40 or more cards.

After a while, we stopped and played some pick-up sticks. It was really fun although I wasn't able to get half the amount of sticks Shirbau got. It was probably because I wasn't able to concentrate and my hands were shaking all the time.

When we finished, we found some Domino stones and decided to build something with it. I had the fabulous idea to make a heart. I just thought it would look nice but somehow that wasn't as thought through as I had hoped.

I had two different sets at home, one with small stones and one with big ones. The big ones were easy to place but the small ones always fell down shortly before we finished. We tried at least 20 times until we gave up.

What we didn't notice was the time flying by. It was already 9:30 pm and Shirabu definitely needed to get home. It wasn't safe out alone. My parents probably made a salad for dinner. They always did because they didn't like plain bread. I wondered why they didn't tell me that they arrived but it was probably because Shirabu was with me.

"What about you stay the night," I offered. I didn't want to go out there nor did I want Shirabu to. "I don't have spare things at your house though," he argued. "I can borrow you mine," I replied. "Well, I need to ask my parents," he said before going out of the room, probably calling them.

"They said I can stay, they don't want me to go outside now," Shirabu stated after he came back. "That's great!" I exclaimed. Shirabu just nodded in response. "Here you go," I said, giving him some of my clothes before picking some myself. I normally wore random stuff to bed because I didn't really care.

I changed after Shirabu left to change in the bathroom. After that, I headed there as well, waiting for him to open the door so I could brush my teeth. I gave him a spare brush on which I wrote his name while I was waiting. He was just laughing at the ridiculousness of it but I didn't mind.

"There's only one problem, I only have one bed," I said. "You don't have futons or stuff like that?" he asked. "Nope," I answered. Apparently, you had to have futons at your house, I didn't. "Well, what are we doing now?" he asked. "Let's just sleep in the same bed," I offered. I didn't see a problem in it, Shirabu did. "Not happening," he replied. "But we did sleep in the same bed at least five times," I argued. "We were drunk," he replied but I knew that I convinced him already. "Doesn't matter so let's go," I said, pulling him to my room. What was the big problem with people sleeping in the same bed anyway? It wasn't like any of us was in a relationship with someone who would get jealous over stuff like that.

After I turned out the light, I tried to talk to Shirabu but he was ignoring me. I just shrugged it off and tried to sleep as well. After what felt like forever, I finally fell asleep as well.


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