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6th of July

Semi and I were chatting like we always did. I don't think that there was one evening over the past weeks where we didn't. From time to time, we would chat until 3 am. Time was passing by quickly so we often didn't realize how late it was.

Today was one of these days. We have chatted non-stop since we finished dinner which must have been at least three hours ago. I was really tired from staying up all those nights so I decided to just call Semi. We sometimes did that so it wasn't that special. By accident, I pressed the facetime button and before I noticed it, Semi had already accepted the call.

I could barely see his face because his room was completely dark. It was the middle of the night after all. Yet, I would have preferred to see his face. His phone slightly illuminated his face and I couldn't help but smile while looking at him. His hair was a mess and he wore an oversized T-shirt and black shorts. The sleepy look on his face made him look even cuter.

I only realized I was staring when Semi said something, "I didn't know you wanted to see me that bad". "It was an accident," I replied. "Sure," he responded, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It was but let's talk about something else. Maybe the fact that summer holidays start in two weeks," I changed the subject. "Yes, I am so glad. I don't know what I would do if we had to go to school longer. It is way too hot. It's been too hot since May but it just increased. I want to die," Semi ranted. He hated the heat to the bottom of his heart. I couldn't blame him though, it really was too hot.

While we talked, I sometimes caught Semi staring at me but it wasn't like I didn't do the same. I was too tired to search for a meaning so I just listened to him talk. His voice was really calming and soon enough I drifted to sleep. I bet I was smiling in my sleep but why wouldn't I? Semi was one maybe the most important person in my life. I didn't know how but he became really important to me over these past months.


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