chapter 19

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The angry man had left the whole day ,no actually he stormed out the whole day and the whole night he had been gone , not the whole night but half of it he came back few minutes before midnight, i was still sitting on the couch waiting to talk to him, Muzi might be wrong in this situation but as the matured adult he was equally wrong, i also wanted to talk to him about therapy for Muzi but considering the man was an early bird i had to wait for him, and sport on few minutes to midnight the was fumbling on the door and he immediately came in lighting up the room, he just gave me a glare seeing my not so happy face but he didn't seem to care.

"Ebusuku kangaka uhleleleni"(why are you up at this time)he said taking on his food in the microwave where he usually finds it, sitting down opposite me, the smell of alcohol was tainting his breath.

"Where have you been" i ask he glare at me codly but i wasn't backing down this man is used to scare me so i can back out.

"Cela singaxabani ngiyakucela ukuthi ngibuyaphi akuhlangani nawe"(can we not fight please, where i came from doesn't concern you) he said shaking his head clearly not going to tell me ,i shook my head walking to our room, i was furious he just said that, so it mattered to him only but not me , this relationship was bias clearly, i furiously looked at my side of the closet it had been a while since i had a smoke, i was even furious at the school issue how dare he, how does he get this thing where he can dismiss me, i wanted to spite him just as much , Muzi was right Shaka had this oppression mindset of a old man , my father is a Zulu man and i know how he can be stubborn but nothing compared to Shaka, the nicotine isn't even helping in calming myself down but it has been a long time since i had one that am enjoying it.

"Sengathi ngiyadeleleka ke manje"(looks like am being disrespected here) he says looking at the bed, the red lacy dress , if he gets to do as he wants then myself i don't mind, he helps himself grabbing the nicotine while he smoke himself, clearly the is much i don't know about this man. "Uyaphi"(where are you going) he ask blowing away the smoke before squashing it.

"Out" i reply with a smile at him "isn't that what we doing in this house, do as we want"i say , i was bluffing i knew he wouldn't even let me leave the walls of this bedroom but am his wife i needed respect.

"Imina noma uwena indoda la ekhaya na"( am i the man or you in this house) he asked taking off the shirt he was wearing, he was well built that much i didn't argue about. "Liyanda ngishilo, ithi ngiziphinde futhi asingaxabani hayi namhlanje" (Liyana i said it ,let me say it again please lets not fight not today) he says taking off his shorts leaving himself with just briefs only.

"Okay fine you not in the mood to fight so am , infact am in the mood to party so hard that i even forget am a married women" i said he clench his teeth, he was angry i knew it he tried calming himself down rubbing his forehead.

"Ufunani Liyanda"(what do you want) no longer Ntokazi but Liyana okay, i went to sit besides him in the bed where he was sitting down.

"Your stinky attitude and you respecting me as your wife , Shaka we didn't marry in ideal situation that much i know but I've accepted this whole situation and accepted you as my husband while you see me as what one of your children that you command around so if you going to do that then i won't stand being treated like a chil...why are you smiling " i shout at him seeing the smile on his face, the stupid smile that annoys me even further.

"Did i tell you how much your annoyance and shouting turns me on" he bitten his lower lip, remind me why had i married a psycho one you can't even be mad at because he just so random actually why had i even allowed myself to get married, marriage life is hard, i rubbed my eyes frustratingly.

"Are you ready to now talk like adults and not treat me like a child" i said he shook his head at me immediately pushing his hands between his legs like a child caught stealing candy.

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