chapter 39

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"Aunty Liya someone is here to see you" Muzi says appearing from the door, his father and daughter haven't showed up yet, i frown because i didn't know anyone here, i got off the bed i was sitting on walking barefoot to following behind Muzi, i gasped seeing the last person i had never thought i would see, i hadn't talked with him in over a week.

"Gatsha what are you doing here" i asked holding my mouth in shock i never wanted him to see me like this he frown at me.

"Let me give you some space" Muzi said walking out after grabbing the apple on the counter, now i was standing few steps away from my father.

"My boss took me under his wing you know that he had a business meeting here and he took me with i thought i should pass by when i saw your husband" he said i grabbed his hand showing him a seat he frown at me.

"What happened to your face Liya" he asked i held my cheek standing up running away from his gaze.

"Do you need anything to drink" i asked standing on the kitchen counter i felt his presence behind me ,he turned me around so i look at him.

"Don't change subject Liyana what happen did he...did that man do this to you" he asked clenching his teeth i shook my head at him.

"No , no he didn't do this Gatsha i just hit the wall at night and feel" i said he scoffed immediately at that.

"If i everytime a women says that i gotten paid i would be a millionaire by now Liyana , i know you better than this women you becoming" he said i held his arm gently.

"Gatsha please stay out of my business am older than you remember respect that" i said he was angry as he shook me up.

"Liyana , you've never seen baba hit ma not even once, baba and uma taught you better than this why you tolerate this let me guess you one of those who self blame you want to leave in a coffin" he was shouting at this point i held my mouth immediately at that as tears rolled down my eyes.

"You think i haven't thought that Gatsha do you, am the one who goes through this not you, I've watched him..." i stop stepping back from him wiping my tears. "Get out" i say.

"You watched him do what Liyana" he said trying to step forward i stepped back he sigh walking out ,i felt my legs wobbly after the door was slammed behind.
I can't believe myself, I've did stupid things but this took the cup, as i sat down anxious waiting  on the chairs, she finally appeared i don't know why i felt nervous as my heart went to my throat.

"Oh you came" she said like she had been expecting me , she knew me i didn't even know the reason behind that and i wasn't willing to find out.

"Why did you call me"i asked settling peoperly she raised an eyebrow at me, sitting properly, we were watching the fountain in front of us.

"Why did you come here" she asked too ,I sigh too keeping quite for a moment rearranging my words "his got to you hasn't he" she said not looking at me chuckling bitterly.

"Why are you here " i asked her , before seeing a tear rolling down her eye she was quick to catch it.

"I've missed 7 whole damn years of my daughters life for what because i wanted to leave him" she says angrily "the is no leaving him, you can never leave him it's either you go by the grave or mental institution , am not crazy and everyone here thinks am crazy" she says wiping her tears "it started with controlling ,what i wore, where i go and it turned into a full abuse, you'll think he loves you, but he doesn't, he is a cheating abusive bustard am not the first one and you certainly not the last, my mistake wasn't fighting for me and my daughter my mistake was trying to prevent another women from him in future and i made a deal with the police, he pumped drugs on me daily so i wouldn't be sane, i regret ever meeting him ,just like how he killed his first wife he'll kill you, the same deep love he had for his wife lead to the grave, loving him is a curse" she said.

"Why are you still here" i asked stupid question i know but i had to ask.

"Because he has people on his payroll, people to make me look like am crazy like am danger to the world" she utters i sigh leaning back, gatsha was right but how does one leave a person with so much reputation and power over anything.

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