chapter 33

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My stay at home was nothing but blissful moment pity Mongameli couldn't make it since he was swapped with endless assignments this semester, he was complaining about how third year was showing him flames, and good news myself i had finally myself started school too although i was doing it purely online ,i was doing distance learning which was hard yes but manageable since i had a lot of time on my hands , the kids would be visiting for school holidays soon, it's been a week since i left home and i must say the two weeks i spent home where purely amazing, my heart became at better place, for the first time in few weeks or months i looked at myself and saw a genuine smile on my face, but as soon as i came back my mood went back to being damp, i didn't intend on letting anything get to me but it did ,the man i have been living with ,he practically is my roommate now because i hadly see him, in a week we moving to the new house , all he does is return home ,eat, bed me when he feels like it and leave go to bed ,i wake up with him gone and go to bed without him home , he only comes in the middle of the night these days and would just wake me when he is in the mood before going to sleep. My eyes scan around the place i can't believe i agreed to this ridiculous thing, knowing i was doing something wrong, i spotted him right on the corner he waved his hand for me to see him ,i took strides towards him holding my breath i didn't know why in the first place i was, today he looked different or was it the fact i never paid attention to him too much before, he was wearing ripped blue washed up jeans with a black shirt and sneakers , who am i kidding I've never met him in better mood, the always was something on my mind that clouded my eyes, his smile made my legs immediately wobbly i took a sharp intake unintentionally holding my breath.

"Hey am glad you made it, i didn't think you would but you did am rambling again aren't I , my apologies for that" he pressed his lips together immediately after that chuckling nervously, i stood there in awkward silence with him. "Please may we" he say pointing at the chair and i did sitting opposite him, i don't know why was i here , risking everything for this man.

"Thanks " i bluntly said he smiled nodding his head leaning forward , he smiled shaking his head for a minute.

"Its okay , it's been a minute, how have you been considering the circumstances we first met on you know" he said pointing our first encounter , i sigh dropping my eyes on the menu as the waiter approached us ,i ordered juice for now.

"Well it has been the hardest months of my life, i mean losing a person who was practically a sister to me was hard but throughout time it got better ,i know her, i know she wasn't happy and now knowing she is in a better place i console myself with that, am in a better space now, the pain doesn't go away but just gets better with time" i answer for the first time ever  the isn't tears in my eyes, for the first time am at peace with everything that happened with my best friend, i answer the most truthful answer i could come up with , no hint of lies.

"Am glad that , i know she wouldn't want you hitting yourself up and holding her back" he says before the waiter places our orders onto the table ,i nod at her before she leaves us to decide what we want.

"And you, how are you" i asked him , he sips his juice before putting it on the table, i hold my breath under his gaze, i don't understand why he makes me somehow nervous but he does.

"Well it has been handful couple of weeks but am okay i guess"he shrugs his shoulders we finally place our orders. "Can i congratulate you "i frown at him before what he said sinks onto me ,he was fishing if i was pregnant or not.

"Unfortunately you a minute late"i say he frown at what i just said "i lost the baby" i say his gazes soften before he sips his juice again, after my talk with my father and my mother too i felt a whole lot better too, being with family truly is an amazing moment and they can take away all the problems of the world for me in just words.

"My apologies i shouldn't have asked forgive me if i pealed off healing scars" he says so nervously making me laugh at him, how he gets nervous very easily.

"It's cool , they new but healing perfectly no need to apologize, you don't meet new people a lot do you" i say devouring the steak in front of me.

"Well i prefer calling myself an introvert but it's just you don't get to quite get the attention of the most beautiful women" he says i would be lying if i said i wasn't blushing at what he said ,my cheeks turned crimson in a minute i don't remember getting a compliment in a while only the only compliment from my mother how i lost weight , she was right though my clothes didn't fit me any more they were 1 size too big, imagine a skinny person like myself losing weight talk about a walking skeleton and that's not a joke at all am being honest hence i don't wear tight clothes anymore but baggy.

"Oh you a charmer, if i put much effort i would believe you" i say ,he was lying i was wearing sweatpants, a baggy shirt and sneakers, my oily face filled with clere, i didn't have reasons to put effort in clothing anymore the only thing positive was the fact i had gotten lighter in colour.

"Who said clothing makes one perfect, you beautiful the way you are , am sure your husband knows how lucky he is to have you"he says the last part coming bitterly , "anyway thank you for coming seriously does that mean you accept my invitation as a friend of yours" he asked i shrugged my shoulders.

"I mean sure i do need friends at the moment, losing a sister made me realise how i had no social life at all" i say honestly, my so called friends had tried getting in contact with me after the death of noni but i completely cut them out, they weren't worth it at all , they've pushed me deeper in trouble a lot.

"What introvert too" he raised an eyebrow at me, before the men i met i wasn't afraid not for anything anyway.

"Not exactly i wouldn't call myself that just the fact when things gotten dark for me i lost people i considered friends and they closed their doors in my face" i say, it was weird for me to be free around  a stranger i didn't know.

"Yeah they weren't really your friends but people who just there for an image" he says i nod my head.

"Yeah I've pretty much learnt the hard way about that" i say shrugging my shoulders pushing the empty plate off me , i wipe my mouth. "And you any friends" i asked he shook his head.

"Nop am not a much social person , i don't go out often" he says.

"Girlfriend "i asked raising my eyebrow, my mouth has a mind of it's own, it just blurted something i didn't even think i would say, before i can stop myself or process the words.

"As I've said before am not much of a social person so not at the moment, am just married to my job, the last relationship i had didn't work out" i raised an eyebrow about to ask "i don't have stable working hours, sometimes I'll be gone the whole day and night so she got tired and lonely and she hooked up with my best friend" he says like it's the most normal thing ever while leaving me gasping at what he just said ,i can't imagine that happening.

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