chapter 26

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Walking around in egg shells with the man of the house raging and seething anger, the past few days haven't been appetizing, haven't been the greatest, whatever his angry about i get to endure it and getting demands from him ,I've managed to convince the dean that i get online classes with huge lie ofcause and i was allowed, i had to be carefull with this man getting orders from him, he expected everything he says goes, expecting me to be a good submissive wife, every move i made was suppose to be reported to him because 'i couldn't be trusted' his words not mine.

"First child" i snap out of it jumping at the voice ,i was staring at the pregnancy test on the shelves like they will give me answers, like i could magically read what would happen, they say babies are a blessing but to me they weren't, not when life wasn't where i wanted it to be.

"Hmmm" i said tearing my gaze out of the shelves looking besides me, the male doctor who delivered me the news of my friend dying, he gave me a side smile taking the pregnancy test before handing it to me.

"This one is more accurate, it gives 99.9 accurate results" he says , handing me the pregnancy test, my mind wasn't contemplating on that, but if i really needed to buy the pregnancy test, if i really wanted to find out what the test would say, regardless of the test i should be happy ,if am pregnant i should be happy that God trusted me to nature a life inside me but i wasn't, all that ran through my mind was what would happen if i really was pregnant, would i be a good mother to him/her , would i...

"Are you okay" he asked i snapped out of my thought looking yet at him again "can we talk over coffee" he asked snapping me , i grabbed the pregnancy test from his hands.

"Yeah am fine thanks, maybe another time" i say smiling at him before walking away, i left him standing there his eyeballs burning holes on my back, not when the man i married was watching me 24/7 , my mind kept going back to the thought is this the life i wanted for myself, better life yes but i feel robbed the man i was introduced to isn't the man currently i was married too, my inner women laughed right on my face remembering how he forced me naked and kept me in a room for 3 days naked without food allowed ,i shivered at that thought grasping tightly at the pregnancy test i felt the tears burning my eyesight. Checking out i buy take aways before heading home, upon my arrival he is sitting so elegantly on the couch with a man, he gave me a smile seeing me immediately.

"The is my beautiful wife" he said smiling before opening his one arm for me to seat on his right i do as required. "Ntokazi this is Ngubani one of my competitors and a very good enemy of mine" he said not bothering introducing me was he not hearing his words or what , i smile awkwardly not knowing how to react at that he dismissed me wanting juice ,i walked to the kitchen bringing them their beverage, i walked to the bathroom. 10 minutes later i was still staring at the empty box like it would give me answers afraid of touching the pregnancy test and get the results that i exactly am not willing to know, I've read every piece of word in this box, his warm hands wrap around my shoulders looking at me through the mirror. My phone rings immediately he walks to the bed picking up the phone, he frown looking at the phone shaking his head before he drops the call , fishing out his phone he goes through it finding what he wants before walking away with my phone in another hand and the other in his ear, my nosey self tip toes pushing my ear to the door i don't get to grasp much at what he is saying but i make up the only words.

"I don't want her bothering my wife do what i pay you to do" those are the only words i make out since he was shouting before i feel his silence only mumbling on the other side,i walk back to see the results that have been gawking over me , asking me if i see them , my hands trembling as i grab the test, exhaling loudly i brace myself.

"You have to abort" those are the words he mumbles as soon as he walks through the door, abort, abortion my subconscious reminds me the words every second, every minute so i don't forget what he said, i haven't even found out what the results say yet am already required to abort, my hand unconsciously hold my abdominal in protective manner like i can stop him from hurting my baby, my heart tightens ,my baby, my baby the words echo in my mind , i might be a mother, a whole mother to a human with two hands, two legs, two eyeballs and two ears with one mouth.

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