Chapter 2

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"Empires aren't built in one day" -The Godfather


Of course since that night everything was not perfect. Executions were held out weekly of them who disobeyed or disrespected me. Seeing me less than what I was. Men who had abused me denying to kneel before me as I did before them. But you know what they say, fear is the best motive. So I gave them plenty of motivations. I killed almost twenty men in a month. That would be considered a big loss for the Mafia, my Mafia now, if it wasn't for the rumors spreading around about a new boss. People got more interested in joining now that Roman was dead. I had assassins, militants and past agents willing to work for me. Well their new boss.

I didn't reveal my face. I never will publicly. I prefer keeping my identity hidden. The only information given was my name. Valencia Kingsley . From only a name, tracking me was impossible. And even if it wasn't, they wouldn't live long enough to discover it.

From that time that was granted to me that summer, I learned how everything worked. I trained in combat, knives, manipulation and negotiation. Alone. I sent representatives of our Mafia to engage in further alliances with the other Mafias. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Also I built a reputation, leaving bodies out in the alleys marking them with the K on their necks. Spreading terror across Las Vegas.

The new group of men called 'Kingsmen' invented by me was the epitome of terror. They were blood-thirsted, heartless criminals under my commands. With their persuasive ways we managed to get a bar which is working as our legal showcase.

After some vulgar crimes committed to the sake of my gaining power, the mayor contacted us pleasing for a break in this killing spree. At first I laughed it off but then... we could use a men of such political advantage to our favor. I met with him,one of the only ones that have seen my face, feeling generous to discuss about his requests. Charmed by my mannerism and my elegance the mayor couldn't believe the rumors behind my name. With one more meeting I had him wrapped around my finger, terrified yet obsessed. My influence on him had a great impact on the police's investigations too, they were nothing but my mere pets. Both of them.

Slowly throughout time, my reign turned this mafia into an empire. We had links across all America. Casinos, restaurants, bars all of them showcases hiding our businesses. Alliances weren't dare to break in fear of ending them, their mafia and families. Money flowed infinite and buyers popped out every week. Substances trafficking reached its pick this summer with all the rave parties while arm trade managed to evade these potential embargoes which would have made transportation turbulent. As to gambling, the casinos were giving us a steady income.

We were linked with every criminal activity except from human trafficking more especially women trafficking which was never even discussed.

One more year passed for me to gain the ultimate respect of my men and forming a subtle bond of trust. Only Alfred, my right hand was most close to me. I discovered him when my men were to Britain about the negotiations. He is wise and observing as an owl. He has a strategic mind and knows the job. I trust him to do what he does best. Trust in our world remains to the professional part of everybody's life. Anyone can betray anyone in this wicked game of power. And our kind has a tendency to submitting to the deadly sins of envy and greed.

The Mafia consisted mostly of men but throughout the years females sparked an interest to it. We have been recruiting tons of women the past years with exquisite abilities. In the beginning, the fitting in with the men was rough but after a chopped dick off a man's body who tried to rape one of the women, everyone remembered their place.

The Mafia life is luxurious but it's nothing like the books or movies. Everyday even for the boss, the main goal is survival. Enemies are always coming. And furthermore those tails about the boss not getting their hands dirty are lies. To reach where I am today, took every drop of my humanity to he eliminated. I have killed women, men, children even babies and felt no remorse. If you can look a baby in the eye and throw a dagger at its throat, then you are close to becoming heartless. If I felt remorse for everything that I have done it would have eaten me alive. So I changed my mindset to another called You reap what you sow. You mess with me, you have it coming for you. I do not kill without reason, exceptions exist of course.

Some say that in this trip of becoming Queen & King together, I lost myself. But you don't lose something you have never found. I found myself through my experiences. I faced the worst of this world to know and recognize the best. And my life right now is the best I could hope to be. I do whatever I want. I do whoever I want. And I end whoever I want. I have power and money. Love was on the list, when I believed fairytales were true. When my parents were still there to read then to me. Your life is not given to you. You built it for you.

So as Kings-men and Kings-women would say:

No mercy
No trust
Life sucks
But not for us.

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