Chapter 8

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"They fear me because I fear nothing."

I answered the phone only to met with Alfred's angry voice. It didn't differ much from his calm since he wasn't the kind of person who showed emotion or panic under pressure. He informed about the incident which occurred at 2am, only one hour  and a half ago. A stolen shipment of arms and weapons. The Japan Mafia had sent us their annual gift due to my ascending anniversary the past weeks. The shipment was filled with different kinds of guns such AK-47's, HK G36k's ,Lewis Machine guns and smaller guns such as Beretta 92FS and others. It wasn't a vital shipment for the survival of our organization. It was a gift after all. I didn't lose something.

But what intrigued me and whetted my bloody revenging appetite was the nerve of the thief or thieves. Judging by my reputation I come across as a very scary person who you don't want to mess with. I'm the devilwoman. Maybe I should make that more clear. I assume they had a death wish or being extremely suicidal when they stole my shipment.

I threw a suit on me, heels and fixed my hair to a sleek ponytail. My eyes wide open and my mind sharp as a knife, I was ready to face a failure. For the last time. I do not fail. I haven't reached the top to start making mistakes. Mistakes. Mistaking someone for something they aren't. Weak. That's how
empires and mighty emperors fell.

A car was already prepared for me and I walked towards the main door of the mansion to reach it. Beside the car, two guards escorting me to the location and one beside me shortly following me. When I took a good glance of both of them beside the Bentley we were transported by, I made out a subtly different Erik. It was his day off and he was dragged out of his messy bed, forced to leave the girl alone yet he was standing proudly to be part of the mission. Serving his mafia, serving his men, serving me. He wanted to reassure me that nothing would change. But due to our past relationships and my desire to make new similar ones I had dismiss him from his job as my very personal guard.

"Erik you're off my personal security. I need someone to keep an eye on Dante." I said with a blank voice and he futilely opened his mouth to
protest as I threw him a death glare putting him back in his place. "You" I snapped my fingers, pointing at the guard behind me. "Escort me." I ordered him before I was welcomed by an opened door to the inside of the car.

Both guards sitting on the front were silent. No speaking unless I permitted it. And judging by my frustrated expression they didn't dare speak a single word. The ride to the docks was fortunately not long because I had no patience when it came to matters such as the current one. The car stopped and the guard motioned quickly to open my door. I regained my posture and stepped out of the car. My heel clutching against the cement floor.

I took a step further, observing my surroundings. I hadn't stepped here in a while. The night breeze brushing through my skin, sending shivers down my spine, took some my tension away.

Alfred appeared shortly and behind him followed closely three others of my men with a hostage. One of the thieves, I guessed. I walked to Alfred, my steps demonstrating the power I had. I owned the place literally. The hostage's head tilted forward from the punches it had taken, only heard my approaching. Alfred informed about the situation giving me more details. We had the basic suspect of course. Japanese Mafia.

Nobody gives away something so easily if they don't have a plan of taking it back.

I walked to the thief, putting on my gloves. When I was inches away from him, I placed my fingers under his chin and raised it, forcing him to meet my glare. His eyes were half-closed at first but when he realised who I was his pupils grew bigger out of fear.

"Be a good boy and tell us where the shipment is." I demanded squeezing his bruised jaw as he groaned in pain, shutting his eyes. "I'm not listening anything." I taunted chuckling and he looked at me with terror. But even terror wasn't enough to get him to betray his boss.

"Devilwoman..." He tried to smile through his fear. "Burn in hell" He said with a trembling voice. I smirked recognising the accent. Japanese it is. I ran a hand through his hair and cupped his cheek. I smiled as I brushed my fingers on his cheekbones.

"Skin him alive." I said starring deep into his brown eyes. "Cut his dick off." I continued and some men flinched even at the idea of it. I smiled, thinking of another creative way to send a message. "Decapitate him and then send his eyes back to our friends in Japan." I gripped his hair tightly. "Be thankful, the devil you will see." And I released him turning away.

The three men took him away ready to execute my punishment for him step by painful, tormenting step. I took off my gloves and gave them to Alfred. He folded them nicely and placed them in his pocket.

"Japan Miss Kingsley, a war you can win I assume?" He questioned smiling mischievously. I brushed my shoulder on his as I walked to the car.

"They fear me, Alfred. They fear my power and the fact that I don't fear nothing." I stated the truth and the reason behind the sudden attack. They disrespected me and harmed our alliance. "I do not play the fights I know I cannot win."

"Rings a bell, Alfred?" I asked as he huffed to my sentence. He had said that to me as an advice to one of our meetings monthly.

"There is no fight you cannot win, Miss Kingsley" He prized and I smiled at his words.

"I know that Alfred, sadly for them they don't." The guard had already opened the door and I stepped in. I unbuttoned my shirt enough to get some air and leaned back to the sit. It was nearly 5 AM, I checked the Rolex watch around my wrist. It wouldn't be the first sleepless night after all.

I had a war to prepare for and a Mexican to get the hell out of my mansion.

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