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Minho pov:

My father had called me into his quarters.
I paused for a little bit before knocking on his door.

"Come in."

I entered slowly and took a seat in a chair in the corner.

"We can't find the necklace of our enemies and they are still fighting back."

My father said pouring a glass of whiskey.

"The Air and Earth kingdoms have decided to stay out of this war and without support we may fail this war."

I nodded, taking in the information.

"What are we going to do then?"

"Minho ,you would do anything for your kingdom right?" He asked.

"Yes father."

"Alright then you will agree to be engaged to the youngest prince of the Earth kingdom." He stared at me with his cold eyes.

I knew this was not a question,it was rather an order.

"Of course ,father."
I replied knowing this engagement would happen if I liked it or not.

"Great!As you know the ancient laws of magic deem an automatic alliance between the two kingdoms involved in the marriage.This way the earth kingdom will have to support us in the war or the ancient spirits will haunt them."

"I'm aware." I said cautiously.

"You may go now, we will meet with the earth kingom next month,so please prepare."

I silently nodded and returned to my room.

Jisung pov:

"....we have prepared your engagement."

"What?!" I stood up shocked.
"But I'm only 19."

"Honey I know and I don't want this either but please let me explain."

"Ok" I cautiously sat back down.

"Your mother wrote  me a letter when you came here.She asked me to do this for your kingdom because this really is the only way to stop the war."

I tilted my head in confusion.
"What do you mean? Who am I getting engaged to?"

"Your going to be engaged to the prince of the fire kingdom Lee Minho, he will think you are a prince of our kingdom but the marriage will protect the water kingdom."

This made so much sense but I couldn't process it at all.

"I-I" I stuttered.

"I know honey, I'm not forcing you but please think about it."

"Ok" I whispered.
"I will do it, for my kingdom."

"I'm so proud of you." She said hugging me.

We sat there for awhile both of us cried, until I left to retire to my quarters.

Seungmin pov:

Chan and I had just arrived with a few other soldiers at the earth kingdom.
I have to be there to represent my kingdom as my father couldnt be here this time.

The air kingdom and earth kingdom regularly has meetings to discuss matters of the current war,which we have not yet decided to participate in.

"Hello your majesty, this is prince Changbin and princess Hannah."
A servant said as he bowed.

"Hello,I'm prince seungmin and this is Chan my personal guard and we have a few soldiers with us.I hope it is not too bothersome."

"Not at all." Princess Hannah smiled.

"I'm sure your tired please feel free to explore,but our servants can see you to your rooms." Changbin said politely.

"That would be wonderful." I said and soon was shown to my room."

Chan of course stays with me wherever I go for protection.It was fairly late so we both went to our room so we could explore tomorrow.Although we had a month until the actual meeting.

Changbin pov:

After greeting the prince of the air kingdom I was walking to my mother's quarters when Jisung quickly rushed out without saying a word to me.

He looked like he had been crying.His eyes were red and puffy.Before I could ask him what was wrong he was already gone.

I decided to ask him about it later and went to see my mother as she asked for me to meet with her.


Thanks again for reading!

Anyone else excited for the new episode of Kingdom to come out?

(No pun intended 😏)

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