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Seungmin pov:

The door opened and Chan,Wooyoung and Changbin walked in.

"Woah,how'd you leave by yourself and come back with two other people?!" Jeongin exclaimed with his mouth open.

"How'd you find Changbin?" I asked Chan.

"Uhh,he was just walking in the forest alone.I think he must've got hit in the head too hard because he can't remeber a lot." Chan replied.

Something was wrong,but I still couldn't pinpoint it.Chan wasn't looking me in the eyes.

"So Changbin,what do you remeber?" Hyunjin asked.

"I can remeber my name,that I'm the prince of the earth kingdom and that I need to go marry Felix,but that's it."

Something with Changbin was a little off,like he was hiding something.Maybe
I was just overthinking it,but it felt like he was leaving out something.

"Ok,well we need to leave now,before the Earth kingdom is destroyed." Wooyoung interrupted my thoughts.

We all agreed on that point.

"You five can head out ,I just have to do something. " chan said walking towards Shin's room.

Chan pov:

Since we had Changbin,we didn't need Shin anymore,so of course I was going to get rid of Shin after everything he did.

I walked out of the room after doing my business and caught up to Seungmin.
I noticed while we were walking he kept glancing at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked still not looking him in the eyes.

"D-did I do something wrong?"

That really surprised me,why would Seungmin think he had done something wrong? I stopped walking.

I sighed and then slid my hand gently into his, intertwining our fingers.

"No,you did nothing wrong." I told him.

"Then why won't you look at me?" I could hear his voice start to crack.

Was this what was concerning him? I thought to myself.

I stopped walking again.I cupped his face and look straight into his eyes.

"Seungmin,you did nothing wrong ok?"I put my forehead on his.
"I-I just feel guilty that I couldn't protect you ."

"Chan..."Seungmin started.

"How about we talk about this later and just enjoy the time we have before we have to deal with all this shit?"

"Alright." He said quietly.

I held his hand again and gave it a little squeeze before we started walking again.


Sorry another short chapter,it also was a little bit of a filler chapter.

But I hope you liked it!

Also,do you all want some smut,idk how well I can write it and idk if the story actually needs it.But if you want it,I'll put it in.

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