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Jisung pov:

I woke up with a brutal headache,the only thing I could remember was an explosion.

I went to get up only to find myself tied to a chair by my wrists and ankles.
I went to use my powers but nothing happened.I noticed I had on these bracelets that must be stopping me from using my magic.

I looked around to see Felix and Seungmin also tied to chairs.We were in some concrete basement with just a few small windows on the top of the walls.

Everything was concrete,there were some ropes and other stuff in the corner.Other than that,the three of us were the only things in the room.

Felix and Seungmin both started to wake up.

"Where are we?what happened?" Felix asked.

"I don't know,I just remeber being in the bathroom and then there was an explosion and now we are here."
I was almost rapping due to being nervous.

"Where's Chan?" Seungmin asked,trying to get out of his restraints.I could tell Seungmin was panicking,he wasn't used to not having a body guard.

That's when we heard the door creak open and someone walked in.He started clapping slowly and laughing like a maniac.

"Well well well puppy" he started heading towards Seungmin."It hurts that you only think of that stupid body guard of yours instead of your fiance."

So this must be Shin,I thought to myself as Seungmin talked about being engaged to him.

He walked up and caressed Seungmin's face gently and then quickly slapping his face harshly.

"Leave him the fuck alone!" Felix growled towards Shin.

"Ohhh your quite cocky for someone,who's magic doesn't even work."

What?Felix's magic doesn't work?!I thought.

Currently I am shaking,Seungmin's crying and Felix is glaring holes into Shin.

"I'll deal with you after Felix,but for now I'm taking Seungmin."

He said,untying Seungmin and dragging him by his hair while Seungmin whimpered.

"Wait,please don't hurt him!" I yelled desperately only to be ignored.


Changbin pov:

I woke up in the bathroom,things were scattered everywhere.
I looked over to only see Chan and Minho.

I started to panic,where's Felix?Where's Jisung?What about Seungmin?

"Guys wake up!" I said shaking Minho and Chan.

"What happened?" Minho asked groggily holding his head.

"SEUNGMIN,WHERE'S SEUNGMIN?!" Chan panicked."no no no,please."

"Changbin?!" I heard in my head

"Wait,Felix is saying something through our rings." I said and everyone paused.

"Where are you?!What going on?!" I asked back in my head.

"I don't know,we are in some sort of basement.Its Shin,Seungmin's fiance Changbin.He took Seungmin out of the room.Jisung's with me but we are tied up."

"Ok,don't panic.We are going to come get you Felix is there anything else you can see?"

No response


Still no response.

"Fuck." I said outloud.

"What happened?!" Minho asked.

I was still mad at him for how he treated Jisung earlier but right now we had to find the others.

I relayed the information to Minho and Chan.

"This isn't good,Seungmin can barely fight and Felix can physically fight but his magic doesn't work right now."
Minho pulled at his hair.

An idea popped into my head.
"Maybe I can track Felix's ring through our system.Follow me." I wasn't waiting for them to agree,I hot up and started running to get to our security system.

Seungmin pov:

Shin threw me into another room,that wasn't the nicest,but it actually had lights and a bed.

"Since I agreed with your father to not kill you in arrangement for our marriage,you will stay in here."

"What do you mean?" I asked not quite sure why my father knew about this.

"Well,I lead the rebels and your father found out,but with his support your kingdom will be safe."
Shin rolled his eyes.
"Who knew he'd practically give away his son for an alliance."

"What?" I didn't know what to say,I couldn't believe that my father would just give me away.

"So all this time the water kingdom and Fire kingdom thought the rebels were caused by eachother when it's really you and our kingdom?!"

"Yes yes,quite clever isn't it?" He tsked

"Shin please don't do this." I begged falling down on my knees.

I felt him grab me by the hair slamming me down to the ground.Kicking me over and over.

"Just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't hurt you."

I whimpered.

Shin bent down grabbing my chin forcing me to look at him.

"Now be a good boy and don't try anything or else you and your kingdom will suffer."

I silently let my tears roll down my cheeks as he walked out locking the door.

I can't just let him hurt Jisung and Felix,I have to get out of here.
I may be scared but I'm also smart ,I just need to find something to help me escape.

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