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Changbin's pov:

I found myself in a damp musty concrete room.There was nothing except a small barred window that let the slight amount of light.

"Hello,Seo Changbin." A man walked in.

"Who are you?!" I asked barely being able to see in the darkness.

"That doesn't matter.The real question is where are the rest of these?" He held up two necklaces, white and green .

"H-how did you get those?!" I asked astonished.

"Well,you see Seungmin thinks took back this one right here." He held up the air kingdom's necklace.But after his father gave him and this necklace to Shin,I took it and replaced it with a fake."

He held up the other necklace.
"Yours I found when I helped the Fire kingdom attack your kingdom."

"W-what?" I paused.
They can't, Fekix wouldn't allow it right?Does he really have a say in it?

"Give it back!" I yelled trying to use my magic only for it to not work because if the stupid anti-magic bracelets on my hands.

"Awww,the unbeatable Changbin that everyone talks about,can't even get a necklace back.How pathetic." He mocked.

"AnywaysI think your going to be here awhile ,so get comfortable." He laughed as left me alone in the room.

I couldn't even contact Felix because my ring had been taken away.

I really failed this time,I time,I don't know who is safe or not.My kingdom is literally being destroyed and this man has one of the four most powerful necklaces in the world.

All I could do was break down into tears and hope that someone would find me.

Seungmin pov:

Chan,hyunjin and Jeongin and I ended up at a cottage in the woods.We also had Shin with us,which we needed him to tell us where Changbin was soon.

Hyunjin and Jeongin took Shin into another room to lock him in there.

"Seungmin you could'vejust told me,I'myour body guard,we could have figured out another way other than you just throwing yourself to him." Chan spoke with sad eyes.

"I don't wanna talk about it Chan." I responded coldly.

"Seungmin-" Chan started.

"Please just leave me alone!" I said turning to walk away.

Chan pov:

I automatically grabbed Seungmin's hand without thinking.

Seungmin cowered to the ground.
"P-please don't hurt me." He begged.

It broke my heart to see him like this.All because I couldn't protect him.

I quickly bent down ,but didn't touch him because it might scare him more.
"Its ok,your safe now Seungmin."

"No no no" he repeated as he covered his head.

"Hey it's ok,its me Chan." I softly said and cautiously put my hand on his hand.

He immediately pulled his hand away and ran to another room locking himself in.

I waited until I heard his crying die down and knocked on the door.

I heard the lock click and Seungmin opened the door.
"I'm sorry." He quietly said looking to the ground.

"You don't have to apologize,you did nothing wrong.I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you." I said letting out some tears without even knowing it.

Seungmin pulled me to the bed and I layed there with him hugging me like a koala until he fell asleep.

I heard a soft knock at the door.
"Hey sorry Chan,can you come try to get Shin to talk?"

"Ok,but maybe Jeongin can stay near Seungmin incase he needs someone?" I started to gently slip away from the bed trying to not wake Seungmin.

"Sure,I'll go get him."

I walked into the next room to see someone who I didn't want to see at all.

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