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Minho pov:

We finally relocated Chan and Jisung after a few hours.We created a plan after figuring out where the others were being held.

Time skip....

Seungmin pov:

It was finally the day that I was dreading,Shin said we were getting married today.

Of course I have to agree in the marriage spell,but I'm sure he has some tricks up his sleeve.

He dragged me to another room where many people stood around in circle laughing and cheering.

He threw me onto my knees in the middle of the circle.

One man started the marriage spell and when it came to the end all we had to say was "I do" to complete our marriage.

"I do. " shin said emotionlessly.

I stayed silent.

Shin smirked and pointed to somewhere behind me.

There stood Jisung,Jeongin and Felix with three men drawing blood at thier necks from holding knifes to thier throats.

"SEUNGMIN,DON'T DO THIS!" I heard Felix call out followed by a whimper as the man pushed the knife tighter on his neck.

Tears streamed down my face unconsciously.

I knew what I had to do.

"I do"

Chan pov:

Those words broke me.I knew Seungmin loved me not Shin,but I was too late.

I saw the clouds spiral around them and watched as they dispersed.

Two rings sat upon thier fingers.

Seungmin immediately took the ring and threw it as far as he could.

"Let's do this now I told the others"

Suddenly balls of different elements were flying in the room hitting our enemies.

Jb had gotten his group to support us fight the rebels.

Hyunjin grabbed jeongin,changbin grabbed Felix and ran to our meeting spot discussed in our plan.

I looked for Seungmin seeing him nowhere within the chaos.

"SEUNGMIN?!"I called.

Even if he was still in the room he probably wouldn't hear me throughout all the fighting.

I saw Seungmin being pulled into the back through corner of my eye.


I ran towards the door and bashed through it.


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