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Seungmin pov:

Somehow the room turned into chaos,everyone was fighting and I was still out of it after being forced into a marriage that I never wanted to be in.

"Come with me brat!" I felt Shin pull me by my hair roughly.

At this point I didn't care what happened to me.

He through me into a backdoor and then into a second backdoor.
I heard a crack like something was hit and then Shin walked in dragging an unconscious Chan.

"CHAN?!" I ran up to him.

I was harshly pushed against the wall and held there by an immense amount of air coming from Shin.

I couldn't move and could only watch Shin tie Chan to a chair and then enchant the ropes.

"What did you do to him?!" I yelled.

Shin dropped me from the wall as enchanted ropes tied around my hands.

Shin laughed as he turned around and locked the door followed by a spell that casted the door in a sheet of white.

"Chan!" I tried to wake him up.

"Oh don't worry he'll wake up,I just hit him a little too hard." Shin laughed out.

Shin casted a spell with white spilling out from his hands that quickly hit Chan.

Chan pov:

It felt like I was being blasted with cold wind ,which is what caused me to wake up.

"Chan?" I felt Seubgmin gently place his hand on mine.I looked down to see his puppy eyes.
"Are you ok?"

Before I could answer Seungmin was thrown backwards.I tried to run to him but was held back by ropes.

"Well well well,how the tables how turned right Chan?" Said Shin walking from behind me.

"Fuck you." I seethed out.

"Now now,I wouldn't want to get too covky because I'm going repay you for your wonderful treatment you gave me as a guest at the cabin."

"Shin please don't hurt him." Seungmin sat on his knees in front of shin begging.

Shin smirked at me and bent down to caress Seungmin's face.

"And what fun would that be?" He mocked Seungmin.

"Stop fucking touching him or I'll rip your arms off!" I yelled at Shin.

"Ohhh Channie I don't think you can do that in your situation." Shin said walking towards me.

Seungmin pov:

Shin pulled out a knife stabbing it  deep into Chan's thigh.
Chan let out a grunt of pain.

"Shin please!" I begged through my tears.

Shin ignored me and stabbed Chan twice more in his right thigh.
"Ugh fuck!" Chan let out.

I dragged myself to Shin and could just barely tug on his pants because of my hands being tied.
"Shin please!I'll do anything!"

Shin stopped as he was about stab Chan once more,turning around slowly.
He smirked.
"You know what I have a better idea than hurting you Chan."

Shin walked towards me and pulled me by my hair closer to the other side of the wall.

Chan was barely conscious after being knocked out earlier and stabbed a whole bunch of times.

"Why don't I play with your little toy Chan." Shin taunted. "Or should I say my husband."

I watched as Chan clutched his fists.
"You do that and I will fucking kill you."

"Again your not in the position to be making orders here Chan.I am" shin laughed

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