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Minho pov:

After hours of trying to track Felix's ring,we found that they were in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the kingdom.We took soliders with us and headed to save Jisung,Seungmin and Felix.

I couldn't help but feel bad after I freaked out at Jisung and didn't even hear him out.

I should've know what Shin was up to when he told me about Jisung being from the water kingdom.

At this point I didn't care anymore because Jisung was now in danger.
Jisung pov:

Shin walked back into the room,slamming the metal door behind him.

"W-what did you do with Seungmin?" I stuttered out.

I was trying to sound confident but right now I sounded terrified.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He mocked.
"Anyways you two have something I need."

"W-we do?" I stuttered again.

"No we don't, your just a piece of shit!" Felix yelled out.

I mentally cursed Felix,its not the best plan to insult the person who might murder you.But I guess he gets the temper along with the fire magic.

"Oh look who's still acting cocky,Why don't  I just shut you up?" He suddenly grabbed a bat from the floor ,cracking it onto Felix's head.

I screamed seeing that,I couldn't help but to tremble in fear.

He turned around smiling,walking back to me.
"P-please don't hurt m-me." I begged.

He gently put his hand hand on my cheek.
"Tell me where the kingdom necklaces are Jisung."

I thought back to the necklace I was given on my birthday.I had originally locked in the box before the wedding since it didn't match my outfit.

I couldn't tell him because if he got all four necklaces he would be unstoppable.

"W-what kingdom necklaces?" I asked.

He pulled out a white necklace ,which must've been for the air kingdom.

"This necklace was kindly given to me by Seungmin's father,I just need the last three,so I'm gonna give you one more chance to stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about."

He starred  at me,waiting for a response.

"Well,where is your kingdom's necklace Jisung?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I-I don't know, I never got it."

"WHERE IS IT?" He yelled louder.

"I don't know." I cried knowing I couldn't tell him.

He raised his hand and slapped me harshly.

"What about the fire kingdom's necklace?" He said cracking his knuckles.

"I d-don't know either,Minho never told me."

He picked up the bat,then preceded to hit me in the gut.

I groaned in pain,but couldn't do anything but sit there and take it.

"You know,this would have been a lot easier if you would just tell me Jisung."

He paused and watched himself roll the bat in his hands.
"We will comeback to this when your ready to talk."
He took the bat and swung it towards my head and everything went blank.

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