Part 3: Chapter 17

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After helping with securing the humans and unloading the spoils, I left the throng of people and showered and made my way to my room. It had not escaped my notice that Vienne had not spoken to me since my return, but I was so tired I really did not much care about her unexpected disinterest.

Climbing into bed, I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. My dreams wandered that night, through the past and the possibilities, and memories of fights returned to remind me of where I had been and how my world was so completely changed.

I woke up with a sense of hope for the future that so often escaped me. Our attack had gone shockingly well and while there was no way that things would continue to be so easy, maybe the fact that we had surprise on our side would be enough to win the day.

I was not going to return to New Haven just yet, since Connor had set me to working with Tiberius now. I did not know what my day would bring here, but there would be much to do. We were planning another attack, and we were working out of Vienne's home because it was the location that would be at the center of the council members focus once they finally realized just what Vienne had been up to.

I made my way to the dining hall, seeing many familiar faces as I passed. I no longer received the suspicious watchfulness I once did from her guards; I was apparently just another person who was not a threat, now. It was strange that they had become so accepting considering that I had staked her, but it was likely her influence that I had to thank for the easy acceptance. I could barely believe that she had so easily forgiven me considering everything.

It was like Marcel had said, if I had staked any other leech and they had survive to know about it, I would have been dead.

I sat down with my food before I was interrupted, but not in a way that upset me. It was as if thinking about her had conjured her before me.

"Good morning, Jamie," she said with her usual smirk.

"Morning," I said, smiling back at her. I had not been about to worry myself about whatever it was between us, but I could maybe have if I had let myself. It should not bother me, since her fixation had at first infuriated me, but now I could not ignore that I liked whatever it was between us.

I told myself it was because she was beautiful and I wanted her physically, because anything more than that seemed an abomination. I thought of the cranky old man's disbelief that I could say anything decent about a leech, if only he knew how deep my sentiments now ran for this particular bloodsucker.

I resolved not to think about it again. There were much more important matters at hand.

"I tried to find you last night, but by the time I was able to you were already asleep. I was most disappointed."

"Ah," I said. I was not going to apologize for sleeping like a normal human even if it had almost been my first impulse.

"I'm glad to see that you've returned safely," she said, those soft brown eyes fixed on me. Damn, she was pretty.

"It went smoothly," I said, ignoring the thought. "There was really nothing to worry about."

"Of course, but it's going to get harder and more dangerous as we go. The council might have their suspicions right now, but no one expected this attack. They're fools, but not so foolish that they will be able to ignore us forever. If there's anything the council loves enough to act for besides blood, it's their own hides."

"Makes sense," I agreed.

"Are you going along for the next attack tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm not missing the chance to help take out another."

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