Part 1: Chapter 3

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I rather liked my new humans.

I did not purchase many females and I seldom brought the ones I did have with me to the council, but it was interesting to watch how having Trish in their midst changed the dynamics amongst the others around the table. Marcel was still in the recovery room, but the others acted far more deferential to the female in their midst than they usually did to each other.

They had the exact opposite reaction to my new male. Little Human schooled his features into an almost perfect rendition of a blank wall. Since he had been brought to my chambers I had seen no hint of the fury he had displayed in that one moment while chained in the feeder cages. I almost might have believed that I had imagined it, but I had not.

I did not allow my amusement to show on my face. How long would it take me to break that icy demeanor that was his shield? The human was good, very good.

There was nothing like a strong will to whet my appetite.

I observed my humans as they sat around the table eating silently. I seldom bothered with human food. I could process it, but it did nothing nutritionally for me, much like artificial sweeteners that had once been present in the human diet back in their hay day. But, I did enjoy coffee in the afternoons, however, a nostalgic habit of mine, although nowadays I liked my coffee red.

Red was easily my favourite colour, predictable though that might be.

Although brown was quickly moving up the list of my colour preferences, as I met the dark brown eyes of my newest male addition. I smiled crookedly, letting my right fang show, just to see how he might respond.

He did not flinch, nor did his eyes move. My curiosity was further piqued. His lack of visible fear was impressive, since I had never before met a mortal with such an impressive ability to maintain a stoic facade.

He would make an amazing vampire.

However, only a fool would turn him. If he was this impressive as a mortal, with vampiric strength he would be able to kill us all.

And judging by his well hidden fury, that was exactly the first thing he would do.

Then, last of all, he would either kill himself in disgust or reign over the humans as a new tyrant. It was anyone's guess.

It was fascinating.

He turned his non-malevolent gaze back to his plate and took another forkful of the nutritionally balanced meal.

It was only reasonable to feed my humans well. One did regular oil changes and maintenance on one's automobiles; one filled up the gas tank as needed; one ensured that their humans were fed all the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain proper function.

A very long time ago, I had spent one lifetime masquerading as a nutritionist amongst my human prey. I had married a delicious man named Frank and we had a very nice, mutually beneficial time together. Frank had been a good man. I missed him, as I missed so many others.

Yet, one became used to loss when persisting unchanged in a world of decay.

The new male was resolutely not looking at me as I stared at him. I liked the stubbornness that he hid with almost perfect efficiency.

He was visually pleasing. I liked that, as well.

I surrounded myself with beauty. Most of my favourite humans were handsome and well built. I collected physically pleasing male specimens with the same dedication that I preserved what I could salvage of ancient artwork, media, and literature. My home was filled with all that pleased the senses.

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