Moving Day

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    The next week and a half went by and (Y/N) was cleared to go back to working with Eclipse. She was going to work with her for a few days just to make sure that she still had control and then they were going to move Eclipse in with the other Raptors which had the potential to turn into a shit show. The first day Eclipse was pretty jumpy, she was just happy to have someone back who treated her like an actual living thing. The two days after that (Y/N) spent making sure she could control her in an environment that wasn’t quiet and peaceful because moving her was gonna be the exact opposite. Then the next day was moving day, it was safe to say both (Y/N) and Owen were nervous, in fact, that was an understatement. They went over the plan about a million times on the way to the Raptor area, there were so many things that could go wrong, even after they had them together. (Y/N) went in by Eclipse to get her ready and Owen went to go get his Raptors ready and fed.
“Come on girl, you gotta work with me, I know you don’t like enclosed spaces but it’s only for a little while then you get an even bigger space and some friends. I hope,” (Y/N) said as she tried to get Eclipse in the moving container, she murmured the last part under her breath. 
Eventually, they made it to getting the Raptors moved in together, they hadn’t been able to get Blue and her group locked up, they could tell something was going on.
“Ready?” Owen asked as (Y/N) came up the stairs to the catwalk area.
“Not really but what the hell let’s try it,” (Y/N) replied.
“Well then, let’s get this shit show on the road,” Owen said with a cheeky grin, they both liked to joke around the nerves.
One of the workers opened the door that divided Eclipse and the other Raptor’s and everyone went silent. Blue and her group were watching warily from the trees and brush. At first, Eclipse wasn’t sure what to do, she just stayed in the back corner of her cage before slowly and cautiously walking forward, stopping at the edge of the container and sniffing the air and ground. She could tell she wasn’t the only one but in a way, she was excited to be around others of her kind. She slowly ventured out onto the dirt, she looked around warily but continued to walk. Then, the gate that had just been lifted for her exit slammed back shut. It was then that Blue and her group ventured into the open.
“Here we go,” (Y/N) thought to herself.
Blue gave a low growl as they began to circle around Eclipse. Eclipse lowered herself, keeping her head down in the hopes of not being seen as a threat.
“What are they doing?” (Y/N) asked Owen.
“Trying to figure out who she is, if she’s a threat,” Owen replied.
“What if they think she’s a threat?” (Y/N) questioned, already knowing the answer.
“She’s outnumbered, so they shouldn’t see her as a threat but if they do, she’s screwed,” Owen replied bluntly.
Suddenly, Blue stopped and roared at Eclipse, she jumped slightly. But then, she stood tall and roared back at her, but it wasn’t a challenging roar. Blue took a few steps closer to Eclipse, she stood her ground, refusing to look like prey but still not wanting to be seen as a threat. It was all eerily silent for about 30 seconds, then, Blue chirped at Eclipse, she chirped back and they left into the small forest. Both (Y/N) and Owen let out a huge sigh of relief.
“I really saw that going very wrong,” (Y/N) said, leaning slightly over the rail.
“Uh-huh,” Owen replied simply, nodding his head.
“Now what?” (Y/N) asked.
“We’ll give them a few days to get used to each other then we’ll see how well they work together,” Owen replied.
They began to walk away but then something stopped them. . .

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