Pick Your Team!

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Two days later at exactly 8 am (Y/N) and Owen arrived at the location. It was pretty simple, not any more than 10 minutes from the cabin, which was a bit unsettling. There was one large building in the gravel clearing, a few government vehicles, and half a dozen smaller buildings surrounding the main one. 

"How did we get roped into this?" (Y/N) whined as they made their way to the main building.

"We opened our big mouths," Owen replied, about as enthused as she was.

"It's too early in the morning for this," (Y/N) mumbled.

"You're always out with Eclipse the second the sun starts to come up," Owen countered.

(Y/N) glared at him out of the corner of her eye and flipped him off.

"I'm not a morning people person," (Y/N) explained.

"Never woulda guessed," Owen joked, knowing most days she wouldn't be back until lunchtime or after.

Their introduction started almost as soon as they arrived. 

"You all know why you're here so I won't waste your time with that-" The man at the front of the room started.

"Thank God," (Y/N) interrupted, rolling her half-open eyes.

The man cleared his throat and continued, "Each of the six of you will be assigned to teams, you'll be sent files to a computer in your building containing information on the people you have to choose from, some have already been selected for you but in the end, it's up to who you'll work best with. By tomorrow the people you choose will be here and you can give them any information or training you believe they may need in addition to what they already have. Ms. Grady, you may continue to use your Raptor in your efforts to relocate dinosaurs."

"Planned on it," (Y/N) deadpanned as he paused.

"On your way out you'll be given a number, that number corresponds to your building, it will hold any supplies you need for your missions and resources needed for you to record and report any findings and results," The man finished.

(Y/N) made her way to her own building, although she could have guessed which one was for her, hers was the only one with a caged area on the back of it, most likely for Eclipse should the need arise. She sat down at the computer and started looking through the files.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, wait- no," (Y/N) thought as she clicked through them.

After an hour and a half, she had finally picked all the people she was required to pick. The next day, she arrived early to put Eclipse in the cage.

"I promise, it's only for a little bit baby," (Y/N) explained as Eclipse seemed to protest entering.

An hour later her new teammates arrived.

"Alright, no one here really knows each other so let's all go around and say our names and our own little roles in this group. Yes, I know it's stupid but I don't have a better idea," (Y/N) stated.

They all looked around at each other before one of them finally spoke up.

"I'm Alex,  I'm good with plans," Alex stated, not sounding very sure of himself.

He was a bit shorter than (Y/N), had brown hair, brown-green eyes, and casual clothes but a complex-looking watch. (Y/N) nodded and looked to the next person.

"I'm Layla. I've got plenty of experience relocating species in all sorts of environments."

She was about the same height as (Y/N), had blonde hair, blue eyes, an outfit functional for their job, and seemed very sure of herself but also content to be on her own.

"I'm Eli, I've got fairly extensive first-aid training."

He was nearly the same height as (Y/N), maybe an inch taller, with nearly black hair, green-blue eyes, and looked like he knew more than he let on.

"I'm Sadie, I've got weapons covered in the event that we need them."

She was taller than (Y/N) by about two inches, maybe three, with brown-blonde hair, brown-green eyes, and definitely not a person to be on the bad side of.  

"I'm Colt, paleo-veterinarian."

For (Y/N), his job was the most important to pick right for, she wanted Zia but they already assigned her to a checkpoint for dinosaurs entering sanctuaries. He was the same height as her, had brown hair, green eyes, looked a little nervous, seemed promising, and was the youngest out of all of them. 

"And I'm (Y/N), I'm in charge of this shit show, in my eyes, none of you are part of this team until you get through this next part. Time to meet our final team member," (Y/N) stated, clicking a button, behind her, she could hear the metal door on the cage open.

"Let's see if they can handle this," (Y/N) thought.

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