Chapter 36

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I was regretting my choice to make a surprise visit to Lothlórien before I even approached the entrance. I can see the archers that are hiding in the trees, camouflaged as they are. The high sun makes their fair hair shine more than they know.

As we walk through the path that leads to the heart of Lothlórien, several escorts surround the company. They carry weapons, but don't aim them at us. We are led through the main square and told to dismount. Then our horses and Aras are taken to the stables and our bags will be carried to the guest house. Legolas, Tauriel, and the three other members of the company follow a guide to our lodgings.

"Lord Thranduil," called a smooth voice, "follow me. Lady Galadriel wishes to speak with you." The elf is clad in sunburst armor, with a red cloak.

"Haldir, my old friend," I say, approaching him. We salute, but that is not what our friendship means. I have not seen him since the war. He stretches his arms out and we embrace, clapping each other on the back.

After a moment, Haldir guides Annoneth and I up the trees and to Galadriel's meeting chamber. The Lady of Light is lounging in a chair beside an intricate glass table with three glasses of what looks like wine.

"Thranduil," she exclaims as I bow. "It has been far too long. What brings you here?" she asks.

"An elf was taken from my gardens by beings wearing your marks. I came here to reclaim her," I answer politely. I already had a feeling Rhovanel was not here, but I might receive aid in finding her if they learn who she is.

"I sent no one to Greenwood, Thranduil. Why would I take an elf from you?"

"This particular elf is the subject of an old affair, perhaps you remember Rhovanel?"

Galadriel's eyes turn dark. I fear for a moment that she will invoke her wrath upon me, but she regains control before my fear can be realized.

"Rhovanel has been hiding in your realm for all these years?"

"No, my lady. She has been with us for only a week or so," Annoneth says, stepping out of the shadows.

"And we had plans to come to this beautiful place and plead her innocence. She was taken before arrangements could be made," I finish. Galadriel picks up a glass.

"Thranduil, why did you come? You know very well that Rhovanel is not here. Do you come seeking aid? Most interest in finding her has been lost. Few still search for her; not the most intelligent either," she adds quietly, so only I can hear.

"Who still searches?" I ask.

"Those that followed Rivornor still search, always in vain. They write the letters to each city that will still write back. They send search parties when they have time. I have dropped my reservations against the daughter of Belegnaer, I no longer wish to punish her for her actions. If those who seek her find her, they will have their own form of justice. Keep this mind while you search." Galadriel stands and stride over to me. "I would see you in my private chambers later," she whispers in my ears. I incline my head slightly, only enough for Galadriel to notice.

Annoneth eyes me suspiciously, but I wave her away. She does not need to know the details of my relationship with Galadriel.


After the sun is behind the mountains and the white lights of Lothlórien are bright, I find my way to Galadriel's room. There is more wine on a chestnut table. I search the room for Galadriel, but I am alone.

I decide it is best to wait outside the door for Galadriel to return when a cold breeze slides across the back of my neck.

"Lord Celeborn, I was not expecting your presence in this meeting," I say, turning to face the icy lord.

"Neither was Galadriel, but her I am. I know your business in Lothlórien, and I want to warn you."

"What threatens my business?"

"Your advisor, Rivornor. He is a power-hungry leech that will take all you love away from you and then stomp on your deflated soul," Celeborn growls.

"Why was I never told of such conduct?"

"Because I only just discovered it myself," Celeborn sighs. "I spoke with some of his followers while they were deep in the wine. They admitted their schemes to me and the reasons behind them. You must return to Greenwood tonight, or you will return to a destroyed throne."

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