Chapter 53

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Lifting the keys was too easy. All I had done was beat the guard's head once with my hilt. Something felt wrong.

"Annoneth, why don't you go find Haldir. He can probably help us."

"Haldir is locked up too. Rivornor have him a good cell, but it's secluded. I do not think he hashed any food for the past two weeks."

"Why did you not tell me this sooner?!"

"Because getting him out will be easier than getting Legolas and Thranduil out."

She has a point, but still: freeing the royal family will be easier if we have a third member.

"Alright, change in plan. You are going to free Haldir while I draw the guards away from Legolas. Then you and Haldir take Legolas away from here while I rescue the King."

Annoneth nods hesitantly. I hand her the key ring. I don't think the keys to the bottom cells would be on this ring. Annoneth hands me the key I'll need. I guess it was. If we survive, that is a security issue I will discuss with Thranduil.

I run to where Legolas is being held prisoner. How can anyone put a child in a cell? Even a deranged psychopath should have the decency to understand childhood innocence. From my shadowy ledge, I can see Legolas moping on the sleeping bench, his stomach devastatingly thin. A bowl of mush sits at his feet, but I can see something moving in it and I understand why he isn't eating. The guards are standing at intervals along the wall, maybe twenty three total.

Suddenly the guards all snap to attention as Rivornor and Umon walk past them. They seem to be deep in conversation, so now is the best time to pull them away from Legolas.

I pull out my daggers and leap from the ledge, aiming just behind Umon and Rivornor, but then Umon looks up at me just before I leap. He whistles one sharp note and the guards collect in a circle where I am about to land. Traako. I try to flip back mid leap, but only succeed in nearly killing myself. I land in a heap in the middle of the guards who immediately grab my arms and take my blades away.

"How nice of you to join us, my dear," Umon says, grinning like a wolf with cornered prey. I spit in his face.

"I am no one's dear," I growl. I can be a wolf too.

"You are now. You used to belong to Thranduil, but now you belong to me," he jeers, eyeing me up and down.

"What is wrong with you?!" I scream, kicking out at him.

"You are what is wrong with me. I have obsessed over you since you challenged me to a fight. A small elleth who went from helpless to scrappy in one week deserves some attention."

I don't even comprehend his words because Annoneth and Haldir come barreling around the corner, bows raised. I drop to my knees as arrows start flying.

Four guards are dead before Rivornor is out of the hall and Umon is holding me by the hair in front of him. He has my arm twisted to the point of dislocation and a knife in the same hand. Haldir keeps his bow up.

"Drop it or she dies!" Umon calls, pressing the knife so it bites my back.

"Wait for the shot!" I scream. Umon rips at my hair and jerks my arm strait up. The cracking sound echoes against the cavern walls. The pain is instant and immense. The only reason I am still on my feet is because Umon is holding me there. I grind my teeth and use the last bit of my adrenaline to throw my head back. The crunch of his nose is the best thing I have heard all day.

He grunts and releases my limp arm to wipe away the blood. I step forward to flip him, but a guard grabs me. That is when I notice my companions on the ground. Two guards are holding them down. I feel the sting of tears brimming in my eyes. They recede upon my will, I will not cry because of Umon. Not anymore.

The guard that is holding me pulls me up to face Umon. He is not quite as tall as Thranduil and the top of my head reaches his eyes. The guard holds me in a vise like grip even though I am not struggling anymore. It isn't worth it to try and fight fifteen guards with no weapons and one half-decent arm. Umon wraps his hand around my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He smiles maliciously and starts gently stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Call the healer to fix her shoulder, then we're taking a walk to the deeper cells."

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