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Adam felt annoyed of the fourth wall always breaking during scenes of the story, but he will never accept the power of comedy! "Oh would you please shut up!" Adam yelled without my control.


The voice faded away as Adam sighed in relief. "Hey, you break the 4th wall too you know" Bashur pointed out to Adam. "I don't care, it's just this scene was getting somewhat dramatic and it HAD to be ruined..." he replied.

"Well, we can continue right now"


"Hey, wasn't your hands burning just now?" Madam Nonsense asked as Adam stared at his hands that were burnt to crisp. "Well shit"

"HAHA! I WIN! NOW MY DEAR, FINISH THAT BRAT" Bashur yelled in victory as Adam began screaming in the background in pain, because he's a wimp.

Ty stared towards Madam Nonsense who was 7 feet away from him. He stared towards her. "What's with the disappointed expression?" Madam Nonsense asked with a smirk "All things in life sometimes don't turn out as the way you expected them to be" She took out and held into a knife that she hid in her dress.

Ty stood there, having no idea what to do. Reader, imagine this. One of your only aunts coming towards you with a weapon that could slice and cut. She had been one of your favorites since you were young, it would be horrible experience, unless this normally happens.

"Well then, this is our final goodbye," Madam Nonsense said "Watchdog"

"You know... What it could have been better in my life..?" She asked him.

"I loved your father, he praised me to keep going, but he was stolen away from me... None of that would have happened" She grew close by every word with a step.


Adam turned his head back as he began listening to their conversation and walked towards them from the alley way.

"YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!!" She yelled add she brought down the weapon to him as Adam eyes grew and ran towards them in high speed. Ty had a shocked look as Madam Nonsense saw a flash of a familiar face on Ty's.

"Veronica..." She muttered

The woman with wavy dark brown hair appeared right before her eyes, wearing a white wedding dress and smiled, she stopped and dropped the knife.

"Sister" she whispered to herself. Even if you took him away, I just can't have the strength to hate you, because...

We're family.

Adam was already behind her with sharp claws and wolf like eyes, ready to kill. "ADAM" Ty yelled towards his butler "STOP"


Adam obeyed as he held a sour look and stood nearby. Madam Nonsense exhaled a shaky breath as she looked up with tears in her eyes. "I can't kill him..."

"Hey, what are you doing? Kill that brat already!" Bash yelled at her as she faced him.


"Hm? Why is that? You've killed so many humans and you can't bring death to a child?" Bashur asked with an annoyed look as he approached her, transforming his flame sword into a pounder.

"I CAN'T KILL THIS CHILD" Madam Nonsense yelled with tears.



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